Dadl y corff a'r enaid
beg. Cyfaenad celwydd cynelw o dofydd
Kanu y byt bychan
beg. Keingeneis, kanaf / bet vndyd mwyhaf
(fl. 6th century)
renowned British poet, known both as a historical poet at the court of Urien and other rulers and as a more fictionalised persona of supreme status. Poems attributed to him survive in the 14th-century manuscript now known as the Book of Taliesin (NLW Peniarth 2).

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Middle Welsh poem put in the mouth of the legendary poet Taliesin.
Ymddiddan y corff a'r enaid

A Middle Welsh prose version of the second half of the Dialogus inter corpus et animam.

Ymryson y corff a'r enaid
Iolo Goch
Iolo Goch
Welsh poet

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A Middle Welsh prose version of the first half of the Dialogus inter corpus et animam. It is traditionally attributed to the poet Iolo Goch.