An Biobla Naomhtha
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In 1690, the Irish translations of the Old and New Testament were published together as An Biobla Naomhtha. The printing of this book, which involved transliteration from Irish into Roman characters, was overseen by Rev. Robert Kirk, who intended it for Scottish Gaelic readers. Kirk’s effort met with little enthusiasm.
Dígal fola Crist
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Geinemain Eóin Baisti
Medieval Irish translation of the De decollatione Johannis Baptistae, a section in the Legenda aurea concerning the conception of John the Baptist. The text is imperfect.
Irish story of Silvius

A short Irish account of Silvius, son of Ascanius and father of Brutus of Troy. The text is indebted to the Irish adaptation of the Historia Brittonum known as Lebor Bretnach, which it quotes in places, but also adds material to it, such its opening passage on Vulcan the smith.

Irish version of De amore hereos (Lilium medicinae)

An Early Modern Irish version of Bernard de Gordon’s treatment of lovesickness (amor hereos), from his medical work Lilium medicinae.

Irish version of Innocent III's De contemptu mundi
Early Modern Irish adaptation of Pope Innocent III’s De contemptu mundi (or De miseria conditionis humane).