Currently selected criteria
Acta sanctorum Hiberniae
Colgan (John)
Colgan (John)
(d. 1658)
Irish Franciscan at St Anthony’s College, Louvain; scholar, theologian, editor and hagiographer.

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A collection of the acts of the Irish saints, written in Latin. It covers those saints whose feast-days were believed to fall in January, February and March.
Additamenta in the Book of Armagh

A collection of charter-like records in Latin and Old Irish relating the activities of St Patrick in Ireland and the lands that were granted to him and his church. The collection can be divided into three parts: (1) a text about the foundation of Trim (Co. Meath), including an account of the conversion of Feidlimid son of Lóegaire mac Néill, king of Leinster; (2) a group of six records concerning churches in northern Connacht; and (3) a group of four records concerning churches in Leinster.

Additamentum Nivialense de Fuilano

Latin Life of St Foillán of Fosses, a brother of St Fursa. It was written as a supplement to Vita Fursei. BHL 3211. 

Betha Beineoin deiscipuil Pátraic

Life of St Benén, companion of St Patrick, in Irish and Latin.

Cartulary of Landévennec

A cartulary of the monastery of Landévennec. It largely consists of records purporting to document gifts of land, property and privileges to Gwenolé (Winwaloe), founder and patron saint of the monastery, many of them from Gradlon, the legendary king in Brittany.

Collectanea (Tírechán)
(c. 690)
Irish bishop and author of the Collectanea about St Patrick

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A collection of hagiographical anecdotes written by Tírechán concerning St Patrick’s travels through the midlands and the northern half of Ireland as well as a southern leg to Cashel.
De sancto Iudicaelo rege historia
No short description available

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Latin Life of Iudic-hael
Letter from Ermenrich of Ellwangen to Grimald
Ermenrich of EllwangenErmenrich of Ellwangen
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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A letter written c.850x854 by Ermenrich, monk of Ellwangen (later bishop of Passau), to Grimald, who was abbot of St. Gall and Weissenburg as well as archchaplain of Louis the German. Ermenrich devotes a section to the Life of St Gall and notes that he would have completed a metrical version had someone else not beaten him to it. The letter survives because Grimald had it included in a manuscript compiled for his use.

Liber de virtutibus sancti Columbae (Cumméne)
Cumméne FindCumméne Find
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Miracula sancti Davidis (BL MS Royal 13 C i)
A collection of eleven accounts of miracles attributed to St David of Wales and set in a period between the 13th century and beginning of the 15th. It is uniquely found as an appendix to a copy of Gerald of Wales’s account of the life and miracles of the saint in BL MS Royal 13 C i.
Navigatio sancti Brendani (Valle Crucis version)

A distinct version of the Navigatio sancti Brendani, preserved in a manuscript which belonged to the Cistercian abbey of Valle Crucis (Denbighshire) and known since Plummer’s edition as Vita secunda sancti Brendani, although it is not a Vita. It is closely related to the Anglo-Norman poem Le voyage de saint Brendan by Benedeit and was probably a translation from Old French, whether based on Benedeit’s poem or perhaps an earlier Old French text.

Nova legenda Angliae

Major collection of the Lives of the saints of England and to a lesser extent, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, edited by an anonymous redactor (previously identified as John Capgrave) from an earlier collection compiled by John of Tynemouth, Sanctilogium Angliae, Walliae, Scotiae et Hiberniae. While the latter is arranged by feastday, the Nova legenda Angliae is arranged alphabetically. It was edited and printed in 1516 by Wynkyn de Worde, who added 15 additional Lives.

Office of St Kentigern (Sprouston breviary)

Office for St Kentigern in the Sprouston breviary (Edinburgh, NLS, Adv. 18.2.13b).

Sanctilogium Angliae Walliae Scotiae et Hiberniae (John of Tynemouth)
John of Tynemouth
John of Tynemouth
(fl. 14th century)
English historian and hagiographer, known for having produced a chronicle, the Historia aurea, and a collection of saints’ lives, the Sanctilogium Anglia, Wallia, Scotiae et Hiberniae, which would form the basis of the Nova legenda Angliae.

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Major collection of 156 Lives of the saints of England and to a lesser extent, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, compiled by John of Tynemouth in the first quarter of the 14th century.

Sermunculus de vita sancti Winwaloei

Short, homiletic redaction of the vita of St Winwaloe, in 17 lectiones. BHL 8962.

St. Gallen tract on Gall, Brigit and Patrick

Latin hagiographical and genealogical tract on saints Gall, Brigit and Patrick, probably produced at St. Gall (modern-day Switzerland) in the 9th or 10th century. BHL 3257, 1462b.

Virtutes sancti Fursei
form undefined
Anonymous Latin text about St Fursa (d. c.650) and his miracles, composed perhaps around 800, or a little later. It was probably written as a supplement to the saint’s first Life, Vita sancti Fursei (7th c.), a role which it maintained in the manuscripts, where the Virtutes is always found in association with the Vita. BHL 3213.
Visiones sanctae Aldegundis (Subnius)
Subnius [abbot of Nivelles]
Subnius ... abbot of Nivelles
(s. vii)
Abbot of Nivelles, who is said to have recorded the visions of Aldegund of Maubeuge and whose account of them was used by the author of her Vita; possibly an Irishman whose name in Irish was Suibne.

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An account of the visions and revelations of St Aldegund, which is purported to have been written by Subnius or Subinus, abbot of Nivelles, and which is now lost if it existed at all. The anonymous author of the Vita prima of the saint claimed to have used it: Supradicta famula Dei Aldgunda de visionibus atque revelationibus spiritalibus, quas Christus ei sponsus eius revelavit, cuidam viro religioso Subnio abbati de Nivialensi monasterio narravit ordinanter et scribendo tradidit.

Vita abbreviata sancti Winwaloei

An abbreviated version of Wrdisten’s Life of St Winwaloe, in 21 lectiones, produced perhaps in northern France. BHL 8961.

Vita brevior sancti Winwaloei

Shorter version of the Latin Life of Winwaloeus (Gwenolé), abridged from the longer version written by Wrdisten. BHL suppl. 8956d. In addition to being generally shorter, it also adds to it by borrowing an episode from the vita of St Ethbin, in which Christ appears to Gwenolé and Ethbin as a leper.

Vita compendiosa sancti Winwaloei
Bernard (Jacques) [d. 1652]
Bernard (Jacques) ... d. 1652
Jesuit hagiographer.

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A short redaction of Wrdisten’s vita of St Winwaloe from Quimper MS 16, created by the Jesuit Jacques Bernard (d. 1652) for inclusion in the Acta sanctorum (Martius I). BHL 8964.

Vita Darercae
form undefined
Vita et homelia sancti Winwaloei (Wrdisten)
Wrdisten (Gurdisten)
(fl. 9th century)
Abbot of Landévennec and author of a Life of St Winwaloe/Gwenolé.

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A letter written probably by Wrdisten, abbot of Landévennec and author of the vita longior of Winwaloe, to John, bishop of Arezzo. The letter was intended to accompany a gift of relics sent to the bishop and offers a summary of Winwaloe’s life by the same author. BHL 8960.