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Merovingian literature hagiography
Additamentum Nivialense de Fuilano

Latin Life of St Foillán of Fosses, a brother of St Fursa. It was written as a supplement to Vita Fursei. BHL 3211. 

Visiones sanctae Aldegundis (Subnius)
Subnius [abbot of Nivelles]
Subnius ... abbot of Nivelles
(s. vii)
Abbot of Nivelles, who is said to have recorded the visions of Aldegund of Maubeuge and whose account of them was used by the author of her Vita; possibly an Irishman whose name in Irish was Suibne.

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An account of the visions and revelations of St Aldegund, which is purported to have been written by Subnius or Subinus, abbot of Nivelles, and which is now lost if it existed at all. The anonymous author of the Vita prima of the saint claimed to have used it: Supradicta famula Dei Aldgunda de visionibus atque revelationibus spiritalibus, quas Christus ei sponsus eius revelavit, cuidam viro religioso Subnio abbati de Nivialensi monasterio narravit ordinanter et scribendo tradidit.

Vita Richarii primigenia
Earliest vita of Richarius (Riquier), an early 7th-century Frankish nobleman and founder of the monastery of Centula (Saint-Riquier, Picardy). The text has been dated to the late 7th century.
Vita sancti Columbani (Jonas of Bobbio)
Jonas of BobbioJonas of Bobbio
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Vita sancti Condedi

A brief biography of St Condedus, monk at Fontanelle abbey. BHL 1907.

Vita sancti Fursei
form undefined
Life of the Irish missionary St Fursa (d. c. 649). BHL 3209.