Beunans Meriasek
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Middle Cornish miracle play about the life of St Meriasek (Meriadoc), his early life in his native Brittany and his advent in Cornwall, where he became patron saint of Camborne.
Bewnans Ke
beg. Gorthyans thum arluth anef
Bewnans Ke is the most recently discovered text of the Middle Cornish corpus. The play consists of two parts which are divided by five missing folios. The first part relates the tale of St Kea and the heathen king Teudar trying to convert each other respectively to Christianity and paganism. Before the story can be concluded, the text breaks off and we find ourselves in a play about King Arhtur’s conflict with the emperor of Rome, Lucius Hiberius, and Mordred’s adultery with Guinevere.
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