Bamberg cryptogram
Suadbar [Irish scholar]Suadbar ... Irish scholar
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Letter from Suadbar, one of four Irish scholars on the continent (the others being Caínchobrach, Fergus and Dominnach), to their teacher Colgu. It relates that when the group had been received at the court of Merfyn Frych (king of Gwynedd, r. 825-844), a cryptic message was left for them by an Irish scholar called Dubthach. To put the wisdom of the Irishmen to the test, it contained a cryptogram, the key to which involved substituting Greek numerals for Roman letters. Once deciphered, the message would read Mermin rex Conchn [sic] salutem (‘Merfyn the king greets Cyngen’, i.e. Cyngen ap Cadell, king of Powys). In a final note, an error in the form of Cyngen’s name (Conch(e)n, betraying Irish influence, for Concen) is pointed out.
De controversia Paschali (Cummian)
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De sollemnitatibus et sabbatis et neomeniis
(c.340s–420 (Prosper))
Church father, born in Dalmatia, and biblical scholar who translated the greater part of the Bible into Latin and whose labours led to the Vulgate version.

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A short Latin treatise on the Jewish observance of festivals and its relevance for the Paschal question. It comes in the form of an epistle or disputatio addressed by a certain peregrinus to an unspecified venerabilis papa, but lacks a subscription. In some manuscripts, it is ascribed to Jerome. There is evidence to suggest that it is, in fact, a Hiberno-Latin or Irish-influenced text of seventh-century date.
Letter from an anonymous student to Aldhelm
Anonymous [student addressing Aldhelm]Anonymous ... student addressing Aldhelm
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A letter from an anonymous, presumably Irish, student to Aldhelm.
Letter from Cellán to Aldhelm
Cellán of Péronne
Cellán of Péronne
(d. 706)
Irish churchman, fourth abbot of St Fursa’s foundation in Péronne, Neustria, in what became Picardy, France. From William of Malmesbury, he is known to have corresponded with Aldhelm. He has been identified as the author of a number of Latin  poems. The Lorsch annals give his obit under 706.

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Letter from Cellán (Lat. Cellanus), abbot of Perrona, Neustria (modern Péronne, Picardy), addressed to Aldhelm. The form in which the text, or part of it, survives is as a quotation in Book V of William of Malmesbury's Gesta pontificum Anglorum.
Letter from Colmán to Feradach
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Letter from Colmán to Feradach
Letter from Columbanus to Pope Boniface
(fl. c.550–d. 615)
Irish peregrinus, scholar, abbot and monastic founder known chiefly for his activities in the kingdoms of Merovingian Gaul and Lombard Italy. His foundations included Luxeuil and Bobbio.

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Letter from Columbanus addressed to Pope Boniface IV and written in 613.
Letter from Columbanus to Pope Gregory
(fl. c.550–d. 615)
Irish peregrinus, scholar, abbot and monastic founder known chiefly for his activities in the kingdoms of Merovingian Gaul and Lombard Italy. His foundations included Luxeuil and Bobbio.

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Letter to Coroticus
Saint Patrick
Saint Patrick
(fl. 5th century)
No short description available

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Letter to Coroticus (lost)
Saint Patrick
Saint Patrick
(fl. 5th century)
No short description available

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Earlier letter by St Patrick to Coroticus, alluded to in the Letter to Coroticus § 3.
Synodus I S. Patricii
Saint Patrick
Saint Patrick
(fl. 5th century)
No short description available

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A collecion of canons which are said to have been promulgated by Patrick and his suffragan bishops Auxilius and Iserninus. The text has been variously dated to Patrick's time, the 6th and 7th century.