The devil Caincuile in Armagh

Short medieval Irish story about a demon called Cain Cuile, who used to visit Armagh to keep a record of the sins committed by its clergy as well as the lay folk. He had two books in his keeping: in the small one, he would erase the sins of the clerics who regularly confessed while in the bigger one, the sins of unrepenting laymen would pile up. 

Irish story of the nine answers of Christ

A short Irish devotional story about a poor man of God who through prayer, made Christ reveal to him the nine things that are most pleasing to God. It provides a version of the so-called ‘nine answers’ or ‘nine virtues of Christ’, which circulated more widely in Europe, in both Latin and the vernacular, during the 14th and 15th centuries. It differs from another Irish version in which it is Albert of Germany who receives the responses. The present text comes with the statement that the miraculous incident took place in 1315 (mile bliadhna ⁊ tri cet ⁊ .u. bliadhna deg).

Scél ar mnái tsagairt ar fagail báis dí
Irish anecdote about the burial of a priest's wife.