Duanaire Finn, Agallamh Oisín agus Phádraig
A Oisín, is fada do shúan
39 st.;167 st.
beg. A Oisín, as fada do shúan

Early Modern Irish fíanaigecht poem, which occurs in the collection Duanaire Finn as well as the later Agallamh Oisín agus Phádraig

Aniar táinic tuitim Bhriain
beg. Aniar táinic tuitim Bhriain
Elegiac poem on the fall of Brian Bóruma. It is cast in the form of a dialogue between two poets, Mac Líacc, who asks questions about those fallen in the battle of Clontarf, and Mac Coise of Clonmacnoise, who is able to provide answers.
Aontaidh dorónsat nar ghann
beg. Aontaidh dorónsat nar ghann

Medieval Irish poem (19 stt) presented as a dialogue, chiefly between two saints, Senán of Inis Cathaig and Comgall of Bangor.