Áed Bennán bruth rígi ríg
3.5 st.
beg. Áed Bennán / bruth rígi ríg
Luccreth moccu Chíara
Luccreth moccu Chíara
(fl. 7th century)
early Irish poet

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Versified genealogy (7 couplets) of Áed Bennán mac Crimthainn, a Munster chief or ruler from the Éoganachta of Loch Léin. It belongs to a group of genealogical poems that are attributed to Luccreth moccu Chíara.
Amalgaid Énna én ar gart
2.5 st.
beg. Amalgaid, Énna / én ar gart

Versified genealogy (5 couplets) of Amalgaid mac Éndai, chief from the Éoganacht of Áne. It belongs to a group of genealogical poems that are attributed to Luccreth moccu Chíara.

Bran Find Femin
beg. Bran Find Femin, fūath slūaig
Old Irish poem on Brand Find (d. 671), king of the Déisi.
Dia ngaba apgitir Lagen
14 st.
beg. Dia ngaba apgitir Lagen
Poem. 14 stanzas. Metre: sétnad mór
Dúngal Raithlind rui a chuirn
2.5 st.
beg. Dúngal Raithlind / rui a chuirn
Luccreth moccu Chíara
Luccreth moccu Chíara
(fl. 7th century)
early Irish poet

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Versified genealogy (5 couplets) of Dúngal Raithlind, chief of the Éoganacht Raithlind. It belongs to a group of genealogical poems that are attributed to Luccreth moccu Chíara.

Éogan án éo cautmai cáem
form undefined
4 st.
beg. Éogan án / éo cautmai cáem
Luccreth moccu Chíara
Luccreth moccu Chíara
(fl. 7th century)
early Irish poet

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Versified genealogy (8 couplets) of Éogan mac Crundmaíl, chief of the Uí Choirpri branch of Uí Fhidgenti. It belongs to a group of genealogical poems that are attributed to Luccreth moccu Chíara.

Fáelgus Nad Fráech febda cland
2.5 st.
beg. Fáelgus, Nad Fráech / febda cland
Luccreth moccu Chíara
Luccreth moccu Chíara
(fl. 7th century)
early Irish poet

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Versified genealogy (5 couplets) of Fáelgus mac Nad Froích, chief of the Éoganacht of Cashel. It belongs to a group of genealogical poems that are attributed to Luccreth moccu Chíara.

Independent, Laídshenchas Laigen
Fothairt for clannaib Concorb
beg. Fothairt for clannaib Concorb

Poem on St Brigit's people, the Fothairt, and their expulsion from Tara. It is 19 stanzas long in both manuscripts.

Óengus crobderg cathach rí
3 st.
beg. Óengus Crobderg / cathach rí

Versified genealogy (6 couplets) of Óengus Crobderg, chief of the ‘Éoganacht of Gabra’, i.e. Uí Chonaill Gabra branch of Uí Fhidgenti. It belongs to a group of genealogical poems that are attributed to Luccreth moccu Chíara.