Fástini Airt meic Cuind ocus a chretem
beg. Cáin do Denna Den doma addonrúacht
Metrical Banshenchas
beg. Adam oen-athair na ndoene
Úa Caiside (Gilla Mo Dutu)
Úa Caiside (Gilla Mo Dutu)
(fl. c. 1147)
Irish poet, credited as the author of Éri óg inis na náem and Ádam óenathair na ndóene (the metrical Banshenchas).

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Úa Caiside (Gilla Mo Dutu)
Úa Caiside (Gilla Mo Dutu)
(fl. c. 1147)
Irish poet, credited as the author of Éri óg inis na náem and Ádam óenathair na ndóene (the metrical Banshenchas).

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Metrical version of the Banshenchas, composed by Gilla Mo Dutu Úa Caiside (1147).
Dinnshenchas Érenn A, Dinnshenchas Érenn C
Dinnshenchas of Ochan
beg. Déiccid ferta níthaig Néill
Cináed úa hArtacáin
Cináed úa hArtacáin
(d. 975)
Middle Irish poet.

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Texts on a burial mound near Tara, relating a version of the death of Níall Noígiallach.
Scéla Cormaic meic Cuilennáin ocus na crosán
beg. Truaghan sin, a Rí na righ
A brief Irish prose story, with poem, concerning the death of Cormac mac Cuilennáin, who was slain in the battle of Mag Ailbe (908). On the night before the battle, three entertainers (crossáin) promise the king to perform before him the following night, but the king and the crossáin do not live to meet again. By some act of divine providence, however, the crossáin are allowed to perform their art and utter a poem beg. Truaghán sin, a Rí na righ (10qq).