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Misc. glossaries
Misc. glossaries
Misc. glossaries
Liber interpretationis hebraicorum nominum (Jerome)
(c.340s–420 (Prosper))
Church father, born in Dalmatia, and biblical scholar who translated the greater part of the Bible into Latin and whose labours led to the Vulgate version.

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(c.340s–420 (Prosper))
Church father, born in Dalmatia, and biblical scholar who translated the greater part of the Bible into Latin and whose labours led to the Vulgate version.

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Glossary of biblical names compiled by Jerome in the second half of the 4th century. For each book that it treats, the text lists Hebrew as well as Aramaic and Greek proper names, especially personal names, in roughly alphabetical order and offers etymologies and interpretations. The work circulated widely in the Middle Ages and was also reworked, expanded, excerpted, rearranged and incorporated, for instance in gospels and other biblical manuscripts.