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Misc. glossaries
Gaelic-English vocabulary to Bedell's Bible of 1690 (Robert Kirk)
Kirk (Robert)
Kirk (Robert)
Episcopalian minister of Aberfoyle, Gaelic scholar and folklorist. He supervised the first combined edition of the Irish translations of the OT and NT, An Bíobla Naomhtha, in London in 1690. Kirk had the text transliterated from Irish into Roman script so that it might serve readers in the Scottish Highlands, although it remained an Irish text.

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A brief, alphabetically arranged vocabulary (5½ pages) printed at the end of the 1690 edition of Bedell’s Irish Bible (An Biobla Naomhtha), which was the first to combine the Old and New Testaments. The list was compiled by Robert Kirk, minister of Aberfoyle, who supervised the printed of this edition and appended the vocabulary to explain unfamiliar classical Irish words to Scottish readers who might be struggling with the translation. Most of the glosses are in English, while a smaller proportion of them are in Scottish Gaelic.

Vocabulary of the Irish dialect spoken by the Highlanders of Scotland (Robert Kirk)
Kirk (Robert)
Kirk (Robert)
Episcopalian minister of Aberfoyle, Gaelic scholar and folklorist. He supervised the first combined edition of the Irish translations of the OT and NT, An Bíobla Naomhtha, in London in 1690. Kirk had the text transliterated from Irish into Roman script so that it might serve readers in the Scottish Highlands, although it remained an Irish text.

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A Scottish Gaelic-English vocabulary compiled by Robert Kirk (d. 1692), minister of Aberfoyle, who based its structure and contents on twelve sections from John Ray’s Dictionariolum trilingue. It was first printed, with annotations by Edward Lhuyd, in William Nicolson’s The Scottish historical library (1702).

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