Náemhshenchas náemh Insi Fáil (Version A)
173 st.
beg. Náemhshenchas náemh Insi Fáil
Versified list of the saints of Ireland.
Náemhshenchas náemh Insi Fáil (Version B)
181 st.
beg. Naoimhsheanchas naomh Innsi Fáil
Versified list of the saints of Ireland.
Náemhshenchas náemh Insi Fáil (Version C)
243 st.
beg. Naoimhsheanchas naomh Innsi Fáil

A metrical list of the saints of Ireland that represents an expanded version (243 qq) of an earlier such list. This recension is considered to be the work of Cú Choigcríche Ó Cléirigh or Peregrine O’Clery, who prefixed a prose preface in which he explains that he supplied additional verses for saints not previously included and names the sources he used, including the Félire Óengusso and Martyrology of Gorman. His text is accompanied by glosses that appear to have the Martyrology of Donegal as their source.

Salzburg list of abbots of Iona
An 8th-century list of abbots of Iona down to Slébéne, preserved in a confraternity book written under the auspices of Virgil of Salzburg.