Aduwyneu Taliessin
beg. Atwyn rin rypenyt y ryret
(fl. 6th century)
renowned British poet, known both as a historical poet at the court of Urien and other rulers and as a more fictionalised persona of supreme status. Poems attributed to him survive in the 14th-century manuscript now known as the Book of Taliesin (NLW Peniarth 2).

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Poem attributed to the legendary poet Taliesin.
Angar kyfundawt
beg. Bard yman y mae
(fl. 6th century)
renowned British poet, known both as a historical poet at the court of Urien and other rulers and as a more fictionalised persona of supreme status. Poems attributed to him survive in the 14th-century manuscript now known as the Book of Taliesin (NLW Peniarth 2).

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Lengthy poem attributed to the legendary poet Taliesin.
Buarth beird
beg. Ed ympeilli oet ympwyllat
(fl. 6th century)
renowned British poet, known both as a historical poet at the court of Urien and other rulers and as a more fictionalised persona of supreme status. Poems attributed to him survive in the 14th-century manuscript now known as the Book of Taliesin (NLW Peniarth 2).

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Poem attributed to the legendary poet Taliesin.
Kadeir Teÿrnon
beg. Araith awdyl eglur
(fl. 6th century)
renowned British poet, known both as a historical poet at the court of Urien and other rulers and as a more fictionalised persona of supreme status. Poems attributed to him survive in the 14th-century manuscript now known as the Book of Taliesin (NLW Peniarth 2).

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A Welsh poem in the Book of Taliesin, where it is headed Kadeir Teÿrnon. The text has been notoriously resilient to an easy interpretation. One line of interpretation suggests that the poem begins by eulogising an unnamed hero, descendant of a certain Aladur, that his identity gradually emerges through a series of narrative allusions and that towards the end of the poem, the subject is finally revealed to be Arthur.

Prif gyuarch geluyd
beg. Prif gyuarch geluyd, pan ry leat?
(fl. 6th century)
renowned British poet, known both as a historical poet at the court of Urien and other rulers and as a more fictionalised persona of supreme status. Poems attributed to him survive in the 14th-century manuscript now known as the Book of Taliesin (NLW Peniarth 2).

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Poem attributed to the legendary poet Taliesin.