Dinnshenchas Érenn C supplement
Dinnshenchas of Mag nÚra

Prose text on the dinnshenchas of Mag nÚra. It offers a version of an anecdote in Bruiden Da Choca (§ 28 in Stokes’ edition, p. 163), distinguishing between three successive names for the plain. The two earlier names, Mag nDerg and Mag nÚatha, are associated with events from the Ulster Cycle, while the main narrative focuses on St Colum Cille, who is said to have composed a hymn in memory of Ciarán (patron of Clonmacnoise) in return for trí mámanna do úraibh Cíaráin '‘three handfuls of Ciarán’s earth’. Colum Cille went to Mag nÚatha, where he scattered the earth and expelled many demons there, hence it was called Mag nÚra after this.