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Reference bible
An extensive Latin compendium of exegetical commentary on every book of the Bible. It has been dated to the eighth century and is commonly thought to be Irish in origin or Irish-influenced at the least.
Saltair na rann
1,947 st.
Middle Irish verse composition giving accounts of biblical history, from the time of Creation to the resurrection of Christ. It is divided into 150 cantos of varying lengths, ranging from just 3 quatrains to as many as 138.
Scél saltrach na rann

A prose redaction of the Middle Irish biblical poem Saltair na rann. Myles Dillon distinguishes between two main recensions of the tract, which are most fully represented by the (incomplete) versions in the Leabhar Breac and the Book of Uí Maine respectively. The first section in the Leabhar Breac, covering the narratives from Creation to Adam and Eve, has no extant counterpart in the the Book of Uí Maine. (There is also a prose summary corresponding to the first section. It is found as a commentary to the note on place (locc) in the Pseudo-historical prologue to the Senchas Már).

Sex aetates mundi
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