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Epitaphium Caidoci
8 st.
beg. Mole sub hac tegitur Caidocus iure sacerdos
(d. 814)
Frankish churchman and poet, who was a prominent figure at Charlemagne’s court and became abbot of the monastery of Centulum (Saint Riquier, Picardy).

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A Latin epitaph written for a priest (sacerdos) named Caidocus, who is said to have been born in Ireland and buried in Gaul (Scotia quem genuit Gallica terra tegit). It is found as an addition at the end of a collection of inscriptions that may have been copied at the monastery of Corbie and has been associated with Centulum (Saint-Riquier, Picardy). The signature at the end states that Angilbert, i.e. the Carolingian poet who was given the monastery of Centulum, was responsible for erecting the tomb and inscribing the poem on its surface. The Irishman in question is commonly identified as the one of the same name who appears in the lives of St Richarius of Saint-Riquier, one of which was written by Angilbert’s former teacher Alcuin.

Epitaphium Condedi
beg. Extitit in Galiis meritis dignissimus olim
An epitaph for St Condedus, which is attested at the end of his biography.
Epitaphium Fricori seu Hadriani
beg. Corpore terreno qui cernitur esse sepultus
(d. 814)
Frankish churchman and poet, who was a prominent figure at Charlemagne’s court and became abbot of the monastery of Centulum (Saint Riquier, Picardy).

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A Latin epitaph for the Irishman Fricorus, al. Hadrianus, written by Angilbert, a Carolingian poet who was given the monastery of Centulum.
Epitaphium Virgilii episcopi Salzburgensis
beg. Hic Pater et pastor humilis doctusque sacerdos

Latin epitaph for Virgil, bishop of Salzburg (d. c.784).

Sylloge Centulensis

A collection (sylloge) of about 67 epigraphs from Rome, Ravenna and Spoleto, which is found in a single manuscript that is housed today in Saint Petersburg. The core of the collection is thought to date back to the pontificate of Pope Honorius I (625–638). An addition found at the end of this work in that manuscript is an epitaph of the Irishman Caidocus, with a signature by Angilbert. Apart from this addition, the latest entry appears to be that of King Ceadwalla (d. 689).

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