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De medicamentis (Marcellus of Bordeaux)
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Marcellus of Bordeaux
Marcellus of Bordeaux
(fl. c. 408)
An official under Emperor Theodosius and a medical author who was active in the region of Bordeaux. His treatise De medicamentis (liber) (c. 408), which prescribes drugs and treatments for a variety of ailments, contains two incantations that are usually thought to be Gaulish in origin.

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Latin medical compendium in 36 chapters offering cures, drug prescriptions and healing charms for various illnesses from head to toe. It was compiled and written in the 4th/5th century (in the reign of Theodosius) by Gallic official Marcellus of Bordeaux.

Historia ecclesiastica Eusebii (Rufinus)
Rufinus of Aquileia
Rufinus of Aquileia
(d. 411)
Tyrannius Rufinus of Aquileia was a monk, theologian and historian. He is known for having translated Greek works by Origen, Eusebius and others in Latin.

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Latin rendering and continuation of Eusebius’ Ecclesiastical history. The work was undertaken at the beginning of the 5th century by Rufinus at the request of bishop Chromatius of Aquileia. Although Jerome had created a translation prior to Rufinus, it was mainly through Rufinus’ translation that Eusebius’ history became known to the early medieval West.

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