Semantic search

From CODECS: Online Database and e-Resources for Celtic Studies
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Image Name Represents Device Unicode MUFI
Q-LUp6a.png q (allograph open) Allograph
Q cu.png Q-RawlB512f33ra.png q (regular) cu, cú, q
Quam-RawlB512f33ra.png Quam-RawlB512f7vb.png quam (q with wavy cross stroke) quam Baseline symbol
Que-Dii1f122vb.png Que-ce-RIADii1f121r.png que (digraph) ce, que Digraph
Quo-23P2f88r.png quo (q with superscript o) quo Superscript letter
Ar-Dii1f124rb.png Quod-RawlB512f31va.png quod (q with curved stroke) ar, quod Baseline symbol
Ri(g)-RawlB488f12ra.png r (.r.) rí, ríg, r() Baseline symbol
Rosc-r-maj-LLp113b.png .R. majuscule (marginal) rosc(?), (marks out verse), (marks out special text form) Baseline symbol, Critical sign
Rosc-r-min-LUp81b.png .r. (marginal) rosc(?), (marks out verse), (marks out special text form) Baseline symbol, Critical sign
R2a.png R2b.png R-extended-RB506f11va.png r (regular) r U+0072
R (rotunda).png r (rotunda) r Allograph
R-with-susp-stroke.png r with suspension stroke r(), ()r Superscript symbol
Re-circle-RawlB512f12vb.png re (ligature with long e) re, re□ Ligature
Re-23E29p159b.png re (ligature with short e) re Ligature
Reg-RawlinsonB512-f20v.png reg (ligature) reg Digraph
Ren-RawlB512f12vb.png ren (trigraph) ren Digraph
Rr1.png rr (ligature) rr Ligature
Rr-rotunda.png rr (rotunda) rr Digraph
S2a.png S2c.png s (insular) s U+017F, U+03AF
Acht (insular s).png s (insular) with suspension stroke acht, cht, sed, s(), ()s() Superscript symbol
S-long-2.png s (long) s Allograph
S23E25p81.png S23P12f148v.png S (short) S
S-cross-stroke-23P12f177ra.png S-cross-stroke-(LeabarOllaman)-23P12f163va.png S-horstroke-23P12f168ra.png s insular with cross stroke ser, s()r, s(), secund() Subscript symbol
Si2.png si (digraph) si Digraph
Sin1.png Sin2.png sin (suspension stroke) sin Superscript symbol, Digraph
Sr.png sr (digraph) sr Digraph
Ss1.png Ss2.png digraph of long s and insular s ss Digraph
Sus-RawlB512-f31va.png sus (digraph with long s) sus, sas, sed, acht, set Digraph
T2b.png T2c.png T-3B23p44b.png t (regular) t U+0074
Tar-3B23p44b.png t with suspension stroke (wavy) tar, tir, ter, irt Superscript symbol
Ta-RawlB512-f32ra.png ta (long headstroke) ta Digraph
Th-spiritus.png G1303p17-th.png th (spiritus asper) th Superscript symbol
Ti-.png Digraph for ti ti Digraph
To digraph.png to (digraph) to Digraph
Tra2-23P12f249r.png tra (superscript a rounded) tra Superscript letter
Tra (superscript a).png Tra-23P12f249r.png tra (superscript a) tra Superscript letter
Tre-23P12f250r.png tre (superscript e) tre Superscript symbol
TriRennes.png tri (rounded superscript i) tri, tir Superscript letter
Tru-23P12f249r.png tru (t with superscript u) tru, tur Superscript symbol
Tur-9-23P12f170vb.png tur (ur superscript hook) tur Superscript symbol
Tur-tru-23P12f195va.png tur, tru (u superscript rounded) tur, tru Superscript letter
23O48(a)f26r(u briste)2.png u (broken) u Allograph
U2a.png U2b.png U2c.png u (regular letter) u
U-23O48f18vb.png U2-23O48f18vb.png u (rounded allograph) u, v Allograph
U-v-shaped.png u (v-shaped) u, v Allograph
Ua-NLIG11p258.png ua (u wavy and subscript a) ua Superscript symbol, Digraph
Uí.png Uí (.h.) Uí, hUí Baseline symbol
Ui2.png ui (digraph vi) ui Digraph
Ui3.png ui (i with superscript u) ui Superscript symbol, Digraph
G1303p17-uir.png uir (ur with superscript i) uir Superscript letter, Baseline symbol