Semantic search

From CODECS: Online Database and e-Resources for Celtic Studies
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Image Name Represents Device Unicode MUFI
Gra-RawlB502f62r.png gra (superscript a) gra Superscript letter
H2a.png H2b.png h (regular) h
He-23E29p159a.png he (ligature) he Ligature
A12p37-hi.png Hi-RawlB512-f33ra.png hi (subscript i) hi Subscript letter
Hoc-LUp6b.png hoc (h with abbreviating punctus) hoc Superscript symbol
Hoc2-23O48af26r.png hoc (h with superscript o) hoc Superscript letter
I2a.png I2b.png i (regular letter) i
I-with-acute-23E29p83.png i with acute diacritic (disambiguation) i Superscript symbol
i with m stroke im Superscript symbol
I-with-susp-stroke.png i with suspension stroke in, i(), ingen Superscript symbol
Idest.png Latin id est, Irish ed ón ed ón, eadh on, id est Baseline symbol
IN-LUp5a.png IN (digraph) IN, In, I n
Ingen-RawlB506f11vb.png ingen (.i.) ingen, ingin, inghean
Irsub-23E29p159b.png ir (cross stroke) ir Subscript letter, Subscript symbol
Is23P12f20r.png Is (I through S) IS, Is Ligature
IS-23 E29p113a.png IS-23 E29p113b.png iS (vertical S through I) IS, Is Ligature
K-23O48af26ra.png K-Cath-Div2f87ra.png k (regular) ca, cath, c, k, ka
L2a.png L2b.png L2c.png l (minuscule) l U+006C
Lstroke-Dv2af12v.png l with suspension stroke l() Superscript symbol
M-RIA3B23p33.png m (allograph) m Allograph
M1(23P2f79v)2.png M2(23P2f108r)2.png M2-23E29p111.png M-23E29p111.png M (majuscule) M
M2a.png M2b.png m (regular) m
M-vertical-23E29p159b.png m (vertical) m Allograph
M-with-susp-stroke.png m with suspension stroke mar, m(), ()m Superscript symbol
Mcformac-23E29p110a.png mac (m with superscript c) mac, maic, meic Superscript letter
Mar-mair-23O48f2rb23.jpg mar, mair (sinuous suspension stroke) mar, mair Superscript symbol
míle (.m.) míle, m() Baseline symbol
Mur (Murceartach).png mur (superscript rotunda) mur Superscript symbol
N1(23P2f99v)2.png N2(23P2f219r)2.png 23O48(a)f26r(N3)2.png N (majuscule) N
N2a.png N2b.png N3a.png n (regular) n
N-with-stroke-Dii1f124ra.png n with suspension stroke nn, n(), ()n() Superscript symbol
Na-23E29p162b.png Na2-23E29p162b.png na (digraph) na Digraph
Ni-RawlB512-f33rb.png ni (digraph) ni Digraph
G1303p17-ni.png ni (subscript curled) ni Subscript letter
o (open allograph) o Allograph
O2a.png O2b.png O3a.png o (regular letter) o
Om-LL113b.png o with m stroke om Superscript symbol
Ocusfor-23E29p112.png ocus for (ligature) ocus for, et for Superscript symbol, Ligature
Ocus.png Irish ocus, Latin et, etc. (Tironian note) ocus, agus, et, ead U+204A
Oe-RawlB512-f33va.png oe (ligature with allograph e) oe Ligature
Om-RIA3B23p33.png om (superscript allograph) om Superscript letter
Or.png or (o + rotunda) or Digraph
P2a.png p (regular) p
p with suspension stroke p() Superscript symbol
Per-LUp5a.png per (p with cross stroke) per, par, por Baseline symbol
Phi-LLp274.png phi (critical sign) (marks out verse)
Post-LUp5.png post (superscript t) post Superscript letter
Pr-digraph.png pr (digraph) pr Digraph
Pro-LUp7b.png Pro-LU11a.png Pro-RawlB512f57rb.png pro (p with tail) pro
Punctuscurve-RawlB512-f31vb.png punctus and stroke (positura) (marks end of section) Baseline symbol, Punctuation