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From CODECS: Online Database and e-Resources for Celtic Studies

Paul Aebischer, ‘Un Aventicum fribourgeois’, Revue Celtique 47 (1930)

Paul Aebischer, ‘La divinité aquatique Telo et l’hydronymie de la Gaule’, Revue Celtique 47 (1930)

Paul Aebischer, ‘Témoignages hydronymiques du culte de la déesse Vroica en Suisse romande’, Revue Celtique 48 (1931)

Paul Aebischer, ‘Témoignages du culte de l’Apollon gaulois dans l’Helvétie romaine’, Revue Celtique 51 (1934)

J. A. Aertsen (ed.) • M. Pickavé (ed.), Ende und Vollendung: eschatologische Perspektiven im Mittelalter (2001)

Dorothy C. Africa, ‘The chronology of the Life of St. Íte and the architecture of theft’, Eolas: The Journal of the American Society of Irish Medieval Studies 12 (2019)

Dorothy Africa, ‘Life of the Holy Virgin Samthann’ in Medieval hagiography... (2000)

Paola Piana Agostinetti, Celti d’Italia: Archeologia, lingua e scrittura dei Celti d’Italia, vol. 1 (2004)

Manuel Aguirre, ‘The hero’s voyage in Immram Curaig Mailduin’, Études Celtiques 27 (1990)

Eoghan Ahern, ‘The influence of Irish learning on Bede’s cosmological outlook’, Quaestio Insularis 14 (2013)

Association des Amis des Archives Historiques du Diocèse de Rennes (ed.) • Dol et Saint-Malo (ed.), Cartulaire de l’abbaye Saint-Sauveur de Redon, vol. 1 (1998)

Association des Amis des Archives Historiques du Diocèse de RennesDol et Saint-Malo, Cartulaire de l’abbaye Saint-Sauveur de Redon, vol. 2 (2004)

Frederick M. Ahl, Lucan: an introduction (1976)

Anders Ahlqvist, ‘Ní mé ‘jag undrar’’ in Lochlann... (2013)

Anders Ahlqvist, ‘Notes on ‘case’ and word-boundaries’, Ériu 25 (1974)

Anders Ahlqvist, ‘Varia I: A note on OIr. ro’, Ériu 26 (1975)

Anders Ahlqvist, ‘À propos des adverbes vieil-irlandais en -id, -ith’, Études Celtiques 15 (1976–1977)

Anders Ahlqvist, ‘Two notes on Irish texts’, Ériu 30 (1979)

Anders Ahlqvist, ‘Another look at Old Irish imbúaruch ‘this morning’, imbárach ‘tomorrow morning’’ in Celtic language, Celtic culture... (1990)

Anders Ahlqvist, ‘The Old Irish imperfect indicative’ in Comparative-historical linguistics... (1993)

Anders Ahlqvist, ‘Litriú na Gaeilge’ in Stair na Gaeilge... (1994)

Anders Ahlqvist, ‘The ‘native Irish grammarian’ revisited’ in Origins and revivals... (2000)

Anders Ahlqvist, ‘Cleft sentences in Irish and other languages’ in The Celtic roots of English... (2002)

Anders Ahlqvist, ‘Old Irish airaiccecht ‘primer, etc.’’ in Medieval Irish law... (2013)

Anders Ahlqvist, Grammatical tables for Old Irish (2013)

Anders Ahlqvist, ‘Old Irish no·’ in Celts and their cultures at home and abroad... (2013)

Anders Ahlqvist, ‘A rhetorical poem in Longes mac nUislenn’ in Rhetoric and reality in medieval Celtic literature... (2014)

Anders Ahlqvist, ‘The verbal paradigms in Auraicept na n-éces’ in Grammatica, gramadach and gramadeg... (2016)

Pamela O'Neill (ed.), The land beneath the sea: essays in honour of Anders Ahlqvist’s contribution to Celtic studies in Australia (2013)

Jacob Ahlqvist, ‘A short detective story’ in A companion in linguistics... (2005)

Anders Ahlqvist, ‘On adverbs of place in Irish’, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 35 (1976)

Anders Ahlqvist, ‘Note: A line in Líadan and Cuirithir’, Peritia 1 (1982)

Anders Ahlqvist, ‘Note: Un tour syntaxique Hiberno-Latin’, Peritia 2 (1983)

Anders Ahlqvist, The early Irish linguist: an edition of the canonical part of the Auraicept na n-éces (1983)

Anders Ahlqvist, ‘Two notes on relative marking in Old Irish’, Celtica 15 (1983)

Anders Ahlqvist, ‘Le Testament de Morann’, Études Celtiques 21 (1984)

Anders Ahlqvist, ‘I. Le Testament de Morann: addenda et corrigenda’, Études Celtiques 24 (1987)

Anders Ahlqvist, ‘An Irish text on the letters of the alphabet’ in Studies in honour of René Derolez... (1987)

Anders Ahlqvist, ‘Notes on the Greek materials in the St. Gall Priscian (Codex 904)’ in The sacred nectar of the Greeks... (1988)

Anders Ahlqvist, ‘Latin grammar and native learning’ in Sages, saints and storytellers... (1989)

Anders Ahlqvist, ‘Two notes on Audacht Morainn’, Celtica 21 (1990)

Anders Ahlqvist, ‘Paragraph 16 of Audacht Morainn: linguistic theory and philological evidence’ in Historical linguistics and philology... (1990)

Anders Ahlqvist, ‘Sg. 199b1’, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 49-50 (1997)

Anders Ahlqvist, ‘Voorwoord’ in Arthur, Brigit, Conn, Deirdre... Verhaal, taal en recht in de Keltische wereld. Liber amicorum voor Leni van Strien-Gerritsen... (2003)

Anders Ahlqvist, ‘Is acher in gaíth ... úa Lothlind’ in Heroic poets and poetic heroes in Celtic tradition... (2005)

A bibliography of the publications of Anders Ahlqvist’ in A companion in linguistics... (2005)

Anders Ahlqvist, ‘Nótaí ar théarmaí’ in Saltair saíochta, sanasaíochta agus seanchais... (2013)

Anders Ahlqvist (ed.) • Pamela O'Neill (ed.), Medieval Irish law: text and context (2013)

Anders Ahlqvist (ed.) • Pamela O'Neill (ed.), Germano-Celtica: a Festschrift for Brian Taylor (2017)

Anders Ahlqvist (ed.) • Pamela O'Neill (ed.), Fír fesso: a festschrift for Neil McLeod (2018)