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From CODECS: Online Database and e-Resources for Celtic Studies

Bitel (Lisa M.), Isle of the saints: monastic settlement and Christian community in early Ireland (1990)

Bitel (Lisa M.), Land of women: tales of sex and gender from early Ireland (1996)

Bitel (Lisa M.), Landscape with two saints: how Saint Genovefa of Paris and Saint Brigit of Kildare built Christianity in barbarian Europe (2009)

Black (Ronald), To the Hebrides: Samuel Johnson’s journey to the western islands of Scotland; and James Boswell’s journal of a tour to the Hebrides (2011)

Celtic connections: proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Celtic Studies: Language, literature, history, culture, ed. Black (Ronald) • Gillies (William) • Ó Maolalaigh (Roibeard), vol. 1 (1999)

Blaney (Roger), Presbyterians and the Irish language (1996)

Intertexts: studies in Anglo-Saxon culture presented to Paul E. Szarmach, ed. Blanton (Virginia) • Scheck (Helene) (2008)

Blew (William), Breviarium Aberdonense (1854)

Blume (Clemens), Die Hymnen des Thesaurus Hymnologicus H. A. Daniels und andere Hymnen-Ausgaben. I. Die Hymnen des 5.-11. Jahrhunderts und die Irisch-Keltische Hymnodie aus den ältesten Quellen (1908)

Blyth (Robert J.) • Jeffery (Keith), The British empire and its contested pasts (2009)

Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Regiae, pars tertia: codices latini [1–8822] (1739–1744)

Bibliothèque Nationale: catalogue général des manuscrits latins. Tome III, nos 2693 à 3013 A, vol. 3 (1953)

The exercise of power in medieval Scotland, c.1200-1500, ed. Boardman (Steve) • Ross (Alasdair) (2003)

The cult of saints and the Virgin Mary in medieval Scotland, ed. Boardman (Steve) • Williamson (Eila) (2010)

Boardman (Steve) • Davies (John Reuben) • Williamson (Eila), Saints’ cults in the Celtic world (2009)

Boase (George Clement) • Courtney (William Prideaux), Bibliotheca Cornubiensis: a catalogue of the writings, both manuscript and printed, of Cornishmen, and of works relating to the county of Cornwall; with biographical memoranda and copious literary references (1874–1882)

Bobaljik (Jonathan David), Universals in comparative morphology: suppletion, superlatives, and the structure of words (2012)

Bodleian Library quarto catalogues (1845–1900)

Grammatical miscellany offered to Otto Jespersen on his seventieth birthday, ed. Bøgholm (Niels) • Brusendorff (A.) • Bodelsen (C. A.) (1930)

Bollandists, Catalogus codicum hagiographicorum latinorum: antiquiorum saeculo XVI qui asservantur in Bibliotheca Nationali Parisiensi, tomus I (1889)

Bollandists, Catalogus codicum hagiographicorum latinorum: antiquiorum saeculo XVI qui asservantur in Bibliotheca Nationali Parisiensi, tomus II (1890)

Bollandists, Catalogus codicum hagiographicorum latinorum: antiquiorum saeculo XVI qui asservantur in Bibliotheca Nationali Parisiensi, tomus III (1893)

Société des Bollandistes, Bibliotheca hagiographica latina antiquae et mediae aetatis (1898–1901)

Société des Bollandistes, Bibliotheca hagiographica latina antiquae et mediae aetatis: supplementi editio altera auctior (1911)

Bollard (John K.), The Mabinogi: legend and landscape of Wales (2006)

Bollard (John K.), Companion tales to the Mabinogi: legend and landscape of Wales (2007)

Bollard (John K.), Tales of Arthur: legend and landscape of Wales (2010)

Bomhard (Allan R.), Reconstructing Proto-Nostratic: comparative phonology, morphology, and vocabulary (2008)

Letterature comparate. Problemi e metodo: studi in onore di Ettore Paratore, ed. Bonanni (Susanna), vol. 2 (1981)

Bonner (Edmund), A profitable and necessary doctrine, with certayne homelyes adioyned therevnto (1555)

St Cuthbert, his cult and his community to AD 1200, ed. Bonner (Gerald) • Rollason (David) • Stancliffe (Clare E.) (1989)

Bonser (Wilfrid), An Anglo-Saxon and Celtic bibliography (450–1087) (1957)

Boorde (Andrew), The fyrst boke of the introduction of knowledge: the whych dothe teache a man to speake parte of all maner of languages, and to know the vsage and fashion of all maner of countreys; and for to know the moste parte of all maner of coyness of money (1547)

Boorde (Andrew), The fyrst boke of the introduction of knowledge ... A compendyous regyment ... Barnes in defence of the berdes; with a life of Andrew Boorde, ed. Furnivall (F. J.) (1870)

Booton (Diane E.), Manuscripts, market and the transition to print in late medieval Brittany (2010)

La Borderie (Arthur de), Cartulaire de l’abbaye de Landévennec: première livraison (1888)

Boretius (Alfred), Capitularia regum Francorum I, vol. 1 (1883)

Europa im Geflecht der Welt. Mittelalterliche Migrationen in globalen Bezügen, ed. Borgolte (Michael) • Dücker (Julia) • Müllerburg (Marcel) • Predatsch (Paul) • Schneidmüller (Bernd) (2012)

Borius (René), Constance de Lyon: Vie de Saint Germain d'Auxerre (1965)

Borlase (William Copeland), The age of saints: a monograph of early Christianity in Cornwall: being an essay in supplement to the president’s address delivered before the Royal Institution of Cornwall, May 31st, 1878 (1878)

Borlase (William Copeland), The age of the saints: a monograph of early Christianity in Cornwall, with the legends of the Cornish saints (1893)

Borlase (William), Observations on the antiquities, historical and monumental, of the County of Cornwall: consisting of several essays on the first inhabitants, druid-superstition, customs, and remains of the most remote antiquity, in Britain, and the British Isles (1754)

Borlase (William), The natural history of Cornwall (1758)

Borlase (William), Antiquities, historical and monumental, of the county of Cornwall: consisting of several essays on the first inhabitants, druid-superstition, customs, and remains of the most remote antiquity in Britain [...] (1769)

Borsje (Jacqueline), From chaos to enemy: encounters with monsters in early Irish texts. An investigation related to the process of christianization and the concept of evil (1996)

Borsje (Jacqueline), The Celtic evil eye and related mythological motifs in medieval Ireland (2012)

The syntax of the Celtic languages: a comparative perspective, ed. Borsley (Robert D.) • Roberts (Ian) (1996)

The nature and function of syntactic categories, ed. Borsley (Robert D.) • Roberts (Ian) (2000)

Mönchtum, Episkopat und Adel zur Gründungszeit des Klosters Reichenau, ed. Borst (Arno) (1974)

Borst (Arno), Der Streit um den karolingischen Kalender (2004)