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From CODECS: Online Database and e-Resources for Celtic Studies

Algemene literatuurgeschiedenis: geschiedenis van de belangrijkste figuren en stromingen in de wereldliteratuur, ed. Backer (Franz de) (1944)

Bacon-Tacon (Pierre Jean Jacques), Recherches sur les origines celtiques: principalement sur celles du Bugey, considéré comme berceau du delta celtique (1798)

Het wellende water. De bron in tekst en beeld in de middeleeuwse Nederlanden en het Rijnland, ed. Baert (Barbara) • Fraeters (Veerle) (2005)

Baesecke (Georg), Der Vocabularius Sti. Galli in der angelsächsischen Mission (1933)

Baeumker (Clemens) • Waltershausen (Bodo Sartorius von), Frühmittelalterliche Glossen des angeblichen Jepa zur Isagoge des Porphyrius nach der Pariser Handschrift (1924)

Bains (Doris), A supplement to ‘Notae Latinae’: abbreviations in Latin mss. of 850 to 1050 A.D. (1936)

Sanctity and secularity: the church and the world, ed. Baker (Derek) (1973)

The materials, sources and methods of ecclesiastical history, ed. Baker (Derek) (1975)

Baker (Peter S.), The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: a collaborative edition: MS F: a semi-diplomatic edition with introduction and indices, vol. 8 (2000)

Baker (Peter S.) • Lapidge (Michael), Byrhtferth’s Enchiridion (1995)

Bakere (Jane A.), The Cornish Ordinalia: a critical study (2009)

Histoire littéraire et culturelle de la Bretagne: Héritage celtique et captation française: Des origines à la fin des États, ed. Balcou (Jean) • Le Gallo (Yves), vol. 1 (1987)

Histoire littéraire et culturel de la Bretagne, ed. Balcou (Jean) • Le Gallo (Yves) (1987)

Balcou (Jean) • Le Gallo (Yves), Histoire littéraire et culturel de la Bretagne: Romantisme et littératures populaires: De la Révolution de 1789 à la Troisième République, vol. 2 (1987)

Balcou (Jean) • Le Gallo (Yves), Histoire littéraire et culturel de la Bretagne: L’invasion profane: De la Troisième à la Cinquième République, vol. 3 (1987)

Bale (John), Illustrium maioris Britanniae scriptorum: hoc est, Angliae, Cambriae, ac Scotiae summarium (1548–1549)

Bale (John), Scriptorum illustrium maioris Brytanniae ... catalogus (1557–1559)

The use of Welsh: a contribution to sociolinguistics, ed. Ball (Martin J.) (1988)

The Celtic languages, ed. Ball (Martin J.) • Fife (James) (1993)

Welsh phonology. Selected readings, ed. Ball (Martin J.) • Jones (Glyn E.) (1984)

Ball (Martin J.) • Müller (Nicole), Mutation in Welsh (1992)

The Celtic languages, ed. Ball (Martin J.) • Müller (Nicole) (2009)

Celtic linguistics / Ieithyddiaeth Geltaidd: readings in the Brythonic languages. Festschrift for T. Arwyn Watkins, ed. Ball (Martin J.) • Fife (James) • Poppe (Erich) • Rowland (Jenny) (1990)

Ballinger (John), The history of the Gwydir family (1927)

Études d'histoire et d'archéologie Namuroises dediées à Ferdinand Courtoy, ed. Balon (Joseph) (1952)

Tradition als historische Kraft: interdisziplinäre Forschungen zur Geschichte des früheren Mittelalters, ed. Balzer (Manfred) • Kamp (Norbert) • Wollasch (Joachim) (1982)

Languages in Prehistoric Europe, ed. Bammesberger (Alfred) • Venneman (Theo) (2003)

Bandini (Angelo Maria), Catalogus codicum latinorum Bibliothecae Mediceae Laurentianae (1774–1778)

Banks (R. W.), Cartularium prioratus S. Johannis evangelistae de Brecon (1884)

Banks (S. E.) • Binns (J. W.), Gervase of Tilbury. Otia imperialia: Recreation for an emperor (2002)

Bannerman (John), The Beatons: a medical kindred in the classical Gaelic tradition (1986)

Bannerman (John), Studies in the history of Dalriada (1974)

Ossian and national epic, ed. Bär (G.) • Gaskill (H.) (2012)

Priscien: transmission et refondation de la grammaire: de l’Antiquité aux Modernes: Actes du colloque international de Lyon, 10–14 octobre 2006, ed. Holtz (Louis) • Baratin (Marc) • Colombat (Bernard) (2009)

Il simbolismo degli elementi della natura nell'immaginario cristiano, ed. Barbàra (M. A.) (2010)

Barber (Richard W.), The figure of Arthur (1972)

Barbet (Jeanne), Iohannes Scottus Eriugena: Expositiones in hierarchiam caelestem (1975)

‘And never know the joy’: Sex and the erotic in English poetry, ed. Barfoot (C. C.) (2006)

Baring-Gould (Sabine) • Fisher (John), The lives of the British saints: the saints of Wales and Cornwall and such Irish saints as have dedications in Britain (1907–1913)

Baring-Gould (Sabine) • Fisher (John), The lives of the British saints: the saints of Wales and Cornwall and such Irish saints as have dedications in Britain: [Introduction; S. Aaron-S. Byrnach], vol. 1 (1907)

Baring-Gould (Sabine) • Fisher (John), The lives of the British saints: the saints of Wales and Cornwall and such Irish saints as have dedications in Britain: [S. Faustus-S. Mynno], vol. 2 (1908)

Baring-Gould (Sabine) • Fisher (John), The lives of the British saints: the saints of Wales and Cornwall and such Irish saints as have dedications in Britain: [S.Faustus-S. Mynno], vol. 3 (1911)

Baring-Gould (Sabine) • Fisher (John), The lives of the British saints: the saints of Wales and Cornwall and such Irish saints as have dedications in Britain: [S. Nectan-S. Ystyffan, Appendices], vol. 4 (1913)

Aldhelm and Sherborne: essays to celebrate the founding of the bishopric, ed. Barker (Katherine) • Brooks (Nicholas) (2010)

Christianity in Britain, 300-700: papers presented to the Conference on Christianity in Roman and Sub-Roman Britain, held at the University of Nottingham, 17–20 April 1967, ed. Barley (M. W.) • Hanson (R. P. C.) (1969)

The clergy of the Church of Ireland, 1000–2000: messengers, watchmen and stewards, ed. Barnard (Toby) • Neely (W. G.) (2006)

‘A miracle of learning’: studies in manuscripts and Irish learning. Essays in honour of William O’Sullivan, ed. Barnard (Toby) • Ó Cróinín (Dáibhí) • Simms (Katharine) (1998)

Dante and the middle ages: literary and historical essays, ed. Ó Cuilleanáin (Cormac) • Barnes (John C.) (1995)

Barney (Stephen A.) • Lewis (W. J.) • Beach (J. A.) • Berghof (Oliver), The etymologies of Isidore of Seville (2010)

Barrington (Daines), History of the Gwedir family, by Sir John Wynne: the first Baronet of that name, who was born in 1553 (1770)