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From CODECS: Online Database and e-Resources for Celtic Studies

Results (4)
Deane, Marion, “Fír flathemon: the ruler’s truth”, The Letter: Irish Journal for Lacanian Psychoanalysis 59–60 (Summer/Autumn, 2015): 77–90.
Deane, Marion, “Do drúthaibh ocus meraibh ocus dásachtaib: Of fools, madmen and lunatics”, The Letter: Irish Journal for Lacanian Psychoanalysis 52 (Spring, 2013): 29–46.
Deane, Marion, “Lebar na h-Uidre: Book of the Dun Cow. A translation”, The Letter: Irish Journal for Lacanian Psychoanalysis 27 (Spring, 2003): 43–50.
Deane, Marion, “The Birth of the Hero and the origin of society: reciprocity and incest in Compert Conculainn”, The Letter: Irish Journal for Lacanian Psychoanalysis 27 (Spring, 2003): 51–71.

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