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Ac yna y roddes Arthur y cleddyf yn y maen ac ydderchis Dyffric i bawb i dynnv os gallai ac nis gallod neb. Ac yna yddoedet am hynny hyt wyl Vair y kanhwylle. Ar dyd hwnnw y proves pawb i dynnv ac nis gallod neb. Ac yna ydderchis Dyfric i Arthur dwyn y cleddyf atto ef a hynny a oruc Arthur ar kedeyrn a archassant yna oedi am hynny hyt y Pasc i edrych a geffit person a val vwch o voned noc Arthur. A nos Basc gwedy ev dyvot ygyt y govynnod Dyfric vddvnt a vynnynt Arthur yn vrenin arnunt. Ac yna y dyvot pawb yni gyveir, Bit vrenin ef arnam ni a cheitwat ac amddifynnwr.Then Arthur placed the sword in the stone again, and Dyfric ordered everybody to pull it out if they could, but none could. Then did they delay until Candlemas, and on that day did they all try to with­draw the sword, and none could do so. Then Dyfric commanded Arthur to bring the sword to him, and this Arthur did. Then did the mighty men of the kingdom ask that the matter might be delayed until Easter to see if it were possible to find a person of higher rank than Arthur. And on the eve of Easter, when they had come to­gether, Dyfric asked them if they wished Arthur to be their king. Then straightway everybody said, let him be king over us, a deliverer and a protector.
Welsh version of the birth of Arthur • J. H. Davies' edition.