
The bachelor programme Celtic Languages and Culture at Utrecht University is under threat.


Journals and publication series

The principal focus is on scholarly, peer-reviewed journals, but the list also includes a number of magazines.


The principal focus is on scholarly, peer-reviewed journals, but the list also includes a number of magazines.

Of the 785 periodicals indexed, there are 314 with dedicated entries. Links to the latter are blue, while those to non-existing pages are red.

Unfortunately, sorting may be inconsistent. For instance, the sorting order has been manually changed for some titles so that the definite article is ignored, but this is not the case across the board.

One of our priorities is to index all articles that have been published in scholarly journals that are devoted to Celtic studies or to one of its focal areas, linguistic or otherwise.

As of June 2013, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie, Revue Celtique, Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies and Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies, Emania: Bulletin of the Navan Research Group and Studia Celtica Fennica are fully covered, and Peritia: Journal of the Medieval Academy of Ireland nearly so (volumes 1–21). Articles in Journal of Celtic Linguistics, vols 1 (1992)–14 (2012), were added in December 2013. Early 2015 saw the addition of relevant articles (by Whitley Stokes and others) in Transactions of the Philological Society, vols 1 (1854)–112 (2014), and Anglo-Saxon England, vols 1 (1972)–43 (2014); many articles by Paul Grosjean in Analecta Bollandiana: Revue critique d'hagiographie.

The following journals have been marked out as deserving special attention: Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies / Bwletin y Bwrdd Gwybodau Celtaidd and Studia Celtica: The Bulletin of the Board of Celtic StudiesProceedings of the Harvard Celtic ColloquiumÉigse: A Journal of Irish StudiesÉriuÉtudes CeltiquesKeltische Forschungen.

We would like to encourage the editorial boards and publishers of peer-reviewed Celtic journals to help us publicise their content, e.g. by sending us the required bibliographic data to