Scéla Colmáin meic Duach ⁊ Guairi meic Colmáin ‘The story of Colmán mac Duach and Guaire mac Colmáin’

  • Late Old Irish
  • prose
  • Cycles of the Kings
First words (prose)
  • Colman mac Duach, diata Cell meic Duach, dochoid i ndithrobaib i mBoirind Connacht ⁊ oen-maccleireach leis innaimsir Guaire Aidne
p. 133a–133b in facsimile cols 796 (line 21)–797
beg. ‘Colman mac Duach, diata Cell meic Duach, dochoid i ndithrobaib i mBoirind Connacht ⁊ oen-maccleireach leis innaimsir Guaire Aidne’
ff. 82b–83b
beg. ‘Colman mac Duach dia tta Cell mic Duach. Docoidh iarum an Colman sin i nditreibh i mBoirinn Connacht ocus áen macclérech lais’
  • Late Old Irish
  • late Old Irish (O’Keeffe)
“may be assigned, on linguistic grounds [E.g. the neuter biad and the deponent fochesathar], to the Old-Irish period, that is, perhaps to the tenth century” (O’Keeffe)
prose (primary)
verse (secondary)
Contains poems
A chúacháin, cid dotuca dar Lúaine’ » Two lines only, beg. ‘A chūachāin, / cid dotuca dar Lūaine’.
Textual relationships
O’Keeffe notes two similar versions:


Cycles of the Kings
Cycles of the Kings
id. 80


Cycle of Gúaire Aidne mac ColmáinCycles of the Kings
Cycle of Gúaire Aidne mac Colmáin
id. 47958
Colmán of Kilmacduagh
Colmán (mac Duach) of Kilmacduagh
patron saint of Cell meic Duach (Kilmacduagh, Co. Galway)

See more
Gúaire Aidne mac Colmáin
Gúaire Aidne mac Colmáin
(d. 663)
Gúaire Aidne (‘of Aidne’) mac Colmáin, king of Connacht from the Uí Fhiachrach; son of Colmán mac Cobthaig (d. 622)

See more


Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.

[ed.] OʼKeeffe, J. G. [ed.], “Colman mac Duach and Guaire”, Ériu 1 (1904): 43–48.
TLH – edition: <link> TLH – translation: <link> Internet Archive: <link>
[ed.] [tr.] Stokes, Whitley [ed. and tr.], “Three legends from the Brussels manuscript 5100–4”, Revue Celtique 26 (1905): 360–377. Corrigenda in Revue Celtique 27 (1906): 203.
TLH – 1. Coirpre Crom and Maelsechlainn's soul: <link> TLH – 2. Coirpre Crom and S. Ciarán: <link> TLH – 3. Colmán mac Duach and Guaire: <link>

Secondary sources (select)

Kenney, James F., “Chapter V: The monastic churches: II. The churches of the sixth to ninth centuries; general treatises”, in: James F. Kenney, The sources for the early history of Ireland: an introduction and guide. Volume 1: ecclesiastical, Revised ed., 11, New York: Octagon, 1966. 372–485.
456 (§ 241) [id. 241. ‘Story of Colmán mac Dúach and Gúaire Aidne’]
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
October 2010, last updated: April 2024