
Polychronicon again

f. 252ra.i
[Polychronicon (Ranulf Higden)] (section)Heading/rubric: ‘Sequitur Continuatio Hystorie vel Cronica Ranulphi monachi Cestrensis in suo Policronicon usque ad Ædelwardi tercii regis tempora. Ora pro patre’Rubricator
Ends with Edward III (acc. 1312).
f. 252rb.1–f. 281vb.m
[Polychronicon (Ranulf Higden)] extractExplicit: ‘Explicit’

Apocalyptic prophecy

f. 282ra–f. 295rb.m
[Oraculum Cyrilli (Philippe Ribot)] Explicit: ‘Explicit epistola’Hand (ff. 282-296)
Incl. preface by Gilbertus Anglicus. letter allegedly from Cyril to Joachim of Fiore and Joachim’s reply to him. Written in alternating larger and smaller scripts. There is no heading, but it ends with a colophon by Carmelite friar Peter Maymet: Qui transcripta compilavit / ego frater Petrus Maymeti / ordinis beate Marie de Carmelo / existens Scola- / -ris Parisiis illum libellum manu pro- / -pria scripsi et abstraxi a quodam exempla- / -ri valde antiquo et cum dyptongis / scripto in quo Cirillus cum sacris et sacer- / -dotalibus uestibus et frater Eusebius cum / mantello barrato. et Angelus veste / in princpio erant curiose et mirabiliter / depicti. This is foll. by the signature R. Populton., though not in what is assumed to be his hand.
f. 295v–f. 296r
No text identified: it may await identification in a dedicated catalogue entry, the entry may exist but no link has yet been made, or it was not felt to be sufficiently relevant.
Hildegard’s alleged letter to the clergy of Cologne, a compilation of prophecies drawn from her writings by Gebenon, prior of Eberbach (an abridged redaction of Pentachronon). For the greater part, written in small script.