The following is based primarily on the catalogue description.
f. 1r–f. ...
Commentary on the Letter to the Galatians, commentary by St Augustine of Hippo, including a preface and a retractatio
f. 17r–f. ...
also with retractatio
f. 31r
Incipit: ‘Est animal parvum’
Enigmata in verse
f. 31–f. 34
Fragments of an abridged copy of Priscian's text Institutiones grammaticae
f. 34v–f. 62v
Work by Hugh of Fleury, including a prologue
f. 63r–f. 83v
Incipit: ‘Prologus id est prefatio ... In principio in ordine creaturarum’
Glossary to the books of the Old and New Testament, incorporating the Glossae divinae historiae associated with John Scottus Eriugena. Old Irish glosses have been transcribed from its exemplar, but many have been omitted.(1)n. 1 John J. Contreni, ‘The biblical glosses of Haimo of Auxerre and John Scottus Eriugena’, Speculum 51 (1976): 416.
f. 62v
Incipit: ‘Hic leo dormivit’
f. 83
Extracts from the Sermons on the Canticle of Canticles by Bernard of Clairvaux
f. 84v
Quatrain, see f. 62v
f. 84v
Poem on the canonical hours in honour of the Passion
f. 84v
Incipit: ‘Urbis et Orbis honor’
Epitaph on a pope
f. 84v
Incipit: ‘Vitalis vita puer’
Epitaph on Vitalis of Savigny
f. 84v
Epitaph on St Bernard
f. 85r
by Robert of Meleduno
f. 95
[Quaestiones de Epistolis Pauli] Incipit: ‘Inter omnes corporeas’
f. 129r
Extracts from several of Bernard's works, including Sermon on the Assumption, Sermonis de diversis, etc. Continued on ff. 132-133.
f. 130v–f. 131
Extracts from Claudianus' Carmina
f. 132–f. 133
See f. 129r
f. 134
Poem on St Mary Magdalene
f. 136r
Incipit: ‘Beatus vir. Huic Psalmo non est ausus Esdras’
Gilbert de la Porrée (Gilbertus Porretanus), Coment. in Ps. I-VIII
f. 146r
"Sentences et essais de plume"