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The version that is most frequently quoted is the modernised paraphrase by the Public Record Office of Ireland :

3612 (2877) Grant (under queen’s letter, 13 Aug. xxi.) to sir Henry Harrington, knt.; of the office of seneschal and chief ruler of O Byrne’s country and the countries of Culranell, the Fertur, Fercullen, Glancapp, and Omaile, with such profits as any previous ruler of the country had, those allowed to Teige oge O Birne claiming to be chief of that name excepted. To hold for life. With power to assemble the inhabitants and charge them to do as required in annexed instructions, and to do all other things he may devise for the defence and public weal of the country; and to hear causes, and make war on rebels, as in No. 848. – 23 Nov. xxii (Cal. P. R. p. 443). Instructions: He shall make proclamation that no idle person, vagabond or masterless man, bard, rymor, or other notorious malefactor, remain within the district on pain of whipping after 8 days, and of death after 20 days. He shall apprehend those who support such, and seize their goods, certifying the same to the lord deputy. While prosecuting malefactors he may take food for horse and man, but not remaining more than one night in each place, so as to oppress the country as little as may be. He shall punish by prison or otherwise any person of unhonest behaviour, and bind him to observe the peace.
PROI DKPRI 13/7: App. IV. Fiants of Elizabeth continued •
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A copy of the instructions to Harrington was found among the papers of Sir Henry Sidney, lord deputy of Ireland :

Sir Henry Harrington’s Instructions. [?1578] The copie of the instrucions delyvered to Sir Henry Harrington for his rule of the Birnes and Tooles countries. Fyrst that you cause proclamacion to be made that no idele persone, vagabonde or masterlesse man, barde, rymoure, or any other notorious or detected malefactor do haunte, remaine, or abyde within the limites and bondes of your authoritie, but that he departe within viij dayes next after the proclamacion made, upon peine of whipping or other suche sharppe correction as you shall in good discreacion apoint. And if any suche person or persons after proclamacion is made shall contynewe by the space of xxti daies after and avoide not, that then it shalbe lawefull for you be vertue of this commission to execute him marshally. Itm. it shalbe lawful for you, after notyce geven and proclamacion made for thavoydinge of all suche person or persons out of the lymittes of your autoritie as before, to take and apprehende all suche person or persons as do supporte and maintaine them and to seyse their goodes and to put the same upon good and sufficient inventorie and to certifie the L. Deputy or any other governor or governors of this realme from tyme to tyme, to thende thei may take suche further order as in discretion thei shall thinke convenient. Itm. it shalbe lawfull for the said Sr. Henry Harrington during the tyme of his prosecucion of malefactors to take meate and dryncke for horse and man in reasonable sorte so that he remaine not longer then one night in one place, and oppresse the Country as litle as may be. Finally we geve you, Sr Hy. Harrington, aucthoritie and power hereby to punishe in discreacion any person or persons that shalbe detected unto you to be of unhonest behaviour by prison or otherwayes, and to bynd him or them to the observation of the peace and his good behavior hereafter. 676 (29), 1½ pp.
Manuscripts of Lord de l’Isle & Dudley preserved at Penshurst Place (1934) •