
Synchronisms (ff. 112–116)

f. 112ra.12–f. 112vc.19
No text identified: it may await identification in a dedicated catalogue entry, the entry may exist but no link has yet been made, or it was not felt to be sufficiently relevant.
Synchronisms. Three columns.
f. 112vc.20–f. 112vc.31
[Trí cémenn cindti do chách] Heading/rubric: ‘Adamnan .cc.’Incipit: ‘Tri cemenna cindte do chach’
Poem (3 qq).
f. 113ra.1
No text identified: it may await identification in a dedicated catalogue entry, the entry may exist but no link has yet been made, or it was not felt to be sufficiently relevant.Heading/rubric: ‘Reges Assyriorum. Reges Israelitarum’Incipit: ‘Laustenes. Is na hamsir sidhe roforbad tempull Solman’
Synchronisms of the kings of Assyria and Judea with the kings of Ireland. Three columns.
f. 114ra
No text identified: it may await identification in a dedicated catalogue entry, the entry may exist but no link has yet been made, or it was not felt to be sufficiently relevant.
Synchronisms of the Roman emperors and popes with the kings of Ireland. Three columns.
f. 115ra
No text identified: it may await identification in a dedicated catalogue entry, the entry may exist but no link has yet been made, or it was not felt to be sufficiently relevant.
Synchronisms of the kings of Ireland, bishops of Armagh and kings of Cashel. Three columns.
f. 115va.1–f. 116va.18
No text identified: it may await identification in a dedicated catalogue entry, the entry may exist but no link has yet been made, or it was not felt to be sufficiently relevant.Heading/rubric: ‘Do rigaib Dal nAraide ...’
Three columns.
f. 116vb.8-vb.i
[A écsiu Fáil fégam sein ] Incipit: ‘A ecsiu Fail fegam sein’
Poem (9 qq), which occupies space equivalent to two columns.