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The passages relating to the geography of Britain and Ireland are relatively brief.:
Ispania land is þryscyte ⁊ eall mid fleote utan ymbhæfd, ge eac binnan ymbhæfd ofer ða land ægþer ge of þæm garsecge ge of ðam Wendelsæ. An ðæra garena lið suðwest ongean þæt igland þe Gades hatte, ⁊ oþer east ongean þæt land Narbonense, ⁊ se ðridda norðwest ongean Brigantia Gallia burh ⁊ ongean Scotland ofer ðone sæs earm, on geryhte ongean þæne muðan þe mon hæt Scene. Seo us fyrre Ispania, hyre is be westan garsecg ⁊ be norðan, Wendelsæ be suðan, ⁊ be eastan seo us nearre Ispania; be norðan þære synt Equitania, ⁊ be norðaneastan is se weald Pireni, ⁊ be eastan Narbonense, ⁊ be suðan Wendelsæ. Brittannia þæt igland, hit in norðeastlang, ⁊ hit is eahta hund mila lang ⁊ twa hund mila brad. Þonne is be suðan him on oðre healfe þæs sæs earmes Gallia Bellica, ⁊ on westhealfe on oþre healfe þæs sæs earmes is Ibærnia þæt iglnd, ⁊ on norðhealfe Orcadus þæt igland. Igbernia, þæt we Scotland hatað, hit is on ælce healfe ymbfangen mid garsecge, ⁊ for ðon þe sio sunne þær gæð near on setl þonne on oðrum lande, þær syndon lyðran wedera þonne on Brettannia. þonne be westannorðan Ibernia is þæt ytemeste land þæt man hæt Thila, ⁊ him is feawum mannum cuð for ðære offerfyrre.
Old English Orosius • Relevant sections from J. M. Bately's edition. • Source document