
‘Columban’ section (ff. 6-71)

Lives of Columbanus, some of the first abbots of Luxeuil, Taurinus (unrelated to Columbanus) and Columbanus' disciple Deicola.
f. 6r–f. 12r
[Vita Columbani et discipulorum eius ] Incipit: ‘fuerit prudens lector vel auditor agnoscit’
Imperfect at the beginning. Written by hand A.
f. 12r–f. 26r
Life of Eustace, who succeeded Columbanus as abbot of Luxeuil after the latter was exiled. Written by hand A.
f. 26r–f. 34r
Life of Waldebert, who succeeded Eustace as abbot of Luxeuil. Written by hand A.
f. 34r–f. 41r
[Vita sancti Philiberti] Incipit: ‘Inclitus ille arbiter in cuius laude sollempniter’
Life of Philibert, monastic fonunder, one-time abbot of Luxeuil, better known as abbot of Jumièges. Written by hand A.
f. 41r–f. 51r
Life of Taurinus, first bishop of Évreux. The first leaf (f. 41) is written by hand A. Hand B takes over for the remainder of the text.
f. 51r–f. 71v
[Vita sancti Deicoli] Heading/rubric: ‘Incipit prologus de sancto Deicolo’Incipit: ‘Qui sane mentis advortitur’
Life of Deicola/Deicolus, founder of Lure, including, on ff. 57-71v, a history of Lure abbey up to c.990. Written by hand B. Interlinear notes.
f. 71v.i
Two lines of cipher which can be expanded as Haec Stephanus scripsit per precepta Archimberti magistri sui. Deo gratias Amen..