Jones (Rowland)
- 1722–1774
- Scholars
Welsh linguist; proposed the theory that Celtic was the ancestral language of Welsh, English, Latin and Greek
Jones, Rowland, The circles of Gomer, or, an Essay towards an Investigation and Introduction of the English, as an Universal Language etc., London, 1771.
Jones, Rowland, The Philosophy of words in Two Dialogues between the Author and Crito: containing an Explanation with various Specimens of the First Language and thence of all its Dialects and the Principles of Knowledge: a Lexicon of difficult Names and Passages in the Bible and Ancient Authors, London, 1769.
Jones, Rowland, Hieroglyfic: or, a grammatical introduction to a universal hieroglyfic language ... with a definition of all the parts of the English, Welsh, Greek and Latin languages, London: John Hughs, 1768.
Jones, Rowland, The origin of Language and Nations, Hieroglyfically, Etymologically, and Topographically Defined and Fixed, after the Method of an English, Celtic, Greek, and Latin English Lexicon: Together with an Historical Preface, An Hieroglyfical Definition of Characters, A Celtic General Grammar, and Various other Matters of Antiquity. Treated of in a Method Entirely New, London, 1764.