
s. xx–xxi

4 publications between 2002 and 2020 indexed
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Works authored

Irslinger, Britta, Abstrakta mit Dentalsuffixen im Altirischen, Heidelberg: C. Winter, 2002.

Contributions to edited collections or authored works

Irslinger, Britta, “The functions and semantics of Middle Welsh X hun(an): a quantitative study”, in: Elliott Lash, Fangzhe Qiu, and David Stifter (eds), Morphosyntactic variation in medieval Celtic languages: corpus-based approaches, 346, Berlin, Online: De Gruyter Mouton, 2020. 269–312.
Irslinger, Britta, “Detransitive strategies in Middle Welsh. The preverbal marker ym-”, in: Erich Poppe, Karin Stüber, and Paul Widmer (eds), Referential properties and their impact on the syntax of Insular Celtic languages, 14, Münster: Nodus Publikationen, 2017. 101–143.
Irslinger, Britta, “Medb ‘the intoxicating one’? (Re-)constructing the past through etymology”, in: Mícheál B. Ó Mainnín, and Gregory Toner (eds), Ulidia 4: proceedings of the fourth international conference on the Ulster Cycle of tales, Queen's University Belfast, 27-9 June, 2013, Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2017. 38–94.