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Fintan mac Bóchra

A figure of medieval Irish tradition who survives the Flood and lives to give eye-witness accounts of the history of Ireland
See also references for related subjects.
Bondarenko, Grigory, “Fintan mac Bóchra: Irish synthetic history revisited”, in: Maxim Fomin, Václav Blažek, and Piotr Stalmaszczyk (eds), Transforming traditions: studies in archaeology, comparative linguistics and narrative: proceedings of the Fifth International Colloquium of Societas Celto-Slavica, held at Příbram, 26–29 July 2010, 6, Łódź: Łódź University Press, 2012. 129–147. <link>
Nic Cárthaigh, Emma, “Surviving the flood: recenants and antediluvian lore in medieval Irish texts”, in: Jason Harris, and Kathy Cawsey (eds), Transmission and transformation in the Middle Ages: texts and contexts, Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2007. 40–64.  
Analyses characters in early Irish literature who embody the theme of transmission and transformation through surviving as repositories of antediluvian lore in the form of shape-shifters and mythic visionaries (exemplified by Tuán mac Cairill and Fintan mac Bóchra).