
At the top of the page as well as vertically, between the two columns, is the name of the scribe (?) written in a cursive hand: gilacius mac quenrachlaigh.

p. 173a
No text identified: it may await identification in a dedicated catalogue entry, the entry may exist but no link has yet been made, or it was not felt to be sufficiently relevant.Incipit: ‘Cor da sochond co fis ⁊ trebaire ...’

CIH 702.10 ff. A “late text on contracts” (Breatnach). Cf. Córus béscnai.

p. 175b.inf–p. 180b.3
Incipit: ‘Cumal don aistreoir ...’
CIH 704.23 ff. Text on status.
p. 180b.4–p. 184
Incipit: ‘Tigrath(?) cach sellach ar aice midenum’

CIH 708.24-711.23. Citations, with commentary, on various topics. A blank is left between this text and the final lines of the previous one. The opening is cited by Thurneysen in ZCP 15: 344. For Tigrath (CIH), others (Abbott, Thurneysen) expand as Tigradus. On the final leaf (pp. 183-184), the scribe changes to single-column format.