col. 430: a note in Edward Lhuyd’s hand: Constat fol. 108. Abbott, who seems to have been unaware of the relationship of this fragment to cols 1-350, concluded: “From a memorandum written at the foot of col. 430, it appears that, when this memorandum was written, the tract consisted of 108 ff” (Abbott); but “The note at col. 430 Constat fol. 108 is in Lhuyd’s hand and does not imply that this particular tract ever contained 108 leaves” (Gwynn).
“Between 428 and 429 there is a slip dated 1663 acknowledging receipt of 6 shillings by John Crawford, esq., of the mill of Garvaughy, from Donell to Dawly. The MS. was at this date probably in the possession of D. MacFirbis: see Dr. Abbott’s Marginalia” (Gwynn).