
Section VI

f. 1–f. 9
TBC episode of Fer Diad. Two folia have been numbered as f. 6, probably by accident.
f. 9 (for 10)
[O pheacaidh an dís or shíolaidh attáinic aríamh] Incipit: ‘O pheacaidh an dís or shíolaidh attáinic aríamh’
Poem on atonement.
f. ?–f. 28
No text identified: it may await identification in a dedicated catalogue entry, the entry may exist but no link has yet been made, or it was not felt to be sufficiently relevant.Incipit: ‘Triur atá [ag] brath ar mo bhás’
Poem by Bonaventura written “in a different and inferior hand” (Abbott).