Commentary to Félire Óengusso: notationes (in progress)
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<title>Commentary to Félire Óengusso: notationes (in progress)</title>
<p>Some of the lemmata, but not all, are in italics - not sure what this means, possibly that they are not in the gloss (in poem only).</p>
<pb n="110" />
<div0 xml:id="april">
<div1 n="1" xml:id="april-01">
<p lang="lat">[R1] <lem>Ambrois</lem> .i. qui fecit imnos, et epis<expan>copus</expan> Mediolani ciuitatis in Italia.</p>
<p lang="lat">[R1] ymnidicus et episcopus Mediolani [n1] in Italia</p>
<note n="1">
<p>[R1] medolamine</p>
<p>[R2] medolamae</p>
<p>[R2] Maria .i. <seg lang="ga">commad <seg lang="lat">in hoc die</seg> no chanad si in cantaic</seg> .i. Magnificat, <seg lang="lat">post Christi conceptionem in domu Elisabeth</seg>, <seg lang="ga">ar isin ocht kl. Ap<expan>r</expan>il ro compred Cr<expan>íst</expan>,</seg> <seg lang="lat">et postea tribus mensibus exactis uel paulo plus uenit ad Elisabeth, teste etiam Luca, et remansit ibi quasi per tres menses usque ad natiuitatem Iohannis</seg>.</p>
<p lang="lat">[R1] Mariae natiuitas est ut alii putant, sed uerius <supplied>est</supplied> ut a<supplied>lii</supplied> sentiunt quod in hoc die fecit Magnificat in domu Elisdabet, quia in octauis kl. April<expan>is</expan> an<expan>te</expan> concepit, et post modum uenit ad domum Elisdabet, ut Lucas refert, et remansit ibi quasi per tres menses, id est usque ad natiuitatem Iohannis.</p>
<p lang="ga">[F] <persName>Aedhan</persName> Cille Aedhan leith i n-Ullt<expan>aib</expan> &ersir; <persName>Tuan mac Cairell</persName> o Tamla<expan>cht</expan>a i mBairche &ersir; Ceallach com<expan>ur</expan>ba Patr<expan>aic</expan> <seg lang="lat">in hoc die</seg>.</p>
<div1 n="2" xml:id="april-02">
<p>[F] <persName>Bronach</persName> uirgo o Glinn Sechis &ersir; <persName>Conall m<expan>ac</expan> Aedho</persName> in hoc die.</p>
<div1 n="3" xml:id="april-03">
<p>[R1] <lem lang="ga">sluag Euagair</lem> .i. cc.xl. in cuitate Chomis hic cum suis sociis passus est.</p>
<p>[F] Coman m<expan>a</expan>c Domhuingin in hoc die.</p>
<div1 n="4" xml:id="april-04">
<p>[R2] <lem>Can Tigernach</lem> &ersir;rl. .i. Tig<expan>er</expan>na<expan>c</expan>h m<expan>a</expan>c Cairpr<expan>i</expan> m<expan>eic</expan> Cath<expan>air</expan> do Laignib, <expan>nó</expan> do Lagis ath<expan>air</expan> <supplied>Tigernaig</supplied>, nó d'Uib Bairche.[2] Darf<expan>r</expan>aich [3] im<expan>morro</expan> ingen Echach m<expan>eic</expan> Crimthainn rig Oirgiall o Rigraith uas Clochar a mathair. Ruc da<expan>n</expan>o Coirp<expan>r</expan>i fo coim leis é co Cill dara. Teit isin tech n-oiged. Atchi Brig<expan>it</expan> toruma aingel os cinn an tige. Iarfaigis cia ro bói ann. Oen oclach ann, ar in timth[ir]igh. Feg lat beos, ar Brig<expan>it</expan>. Fegaid. Ata, ar se, noide bee and, ar se, ind ucht ind ocl<expan>aig</expan>. As maith in noide, ar Brigit. Tic Brigit isin tech n-oiged &ersir; baist<expan>er</expan> in lęnab &ersir; geib<expan>id </expan>Brig<expan>it</expan> e fri baithis, &ersir;rl.</p>
<note n="2">
<p>[Looks like Stokes used an e caudata for laenab]</p>
<p>[R1] &ersir; </p>
<p>[F] .i. de Huaib Bairrche</p>
<p>[L] do Tig<expan>er</expan>nach Chluana hEoais</p>
<note n="3">
<p>[L] Derfraich </p>
<p>[R1] <lem>Tigernach</lem> .i. do Uib Failgi <expan>nó</expan> Barrchi, et quod uerius est i [4] Cluain Euis ata.</p>
<note n="4">
<p>[R1] &ersir;</p>
<p>[R1] d'Uib <supplied>B</supplied>arche ha hiarthur Lagen do.</p>
<p>[R2] <lem>Cluana Eois</lem> .i. no<expan>men</expan> mucada <expan>Co</expan>ncab<expan>air</expan> no gnath<expan>aiged</expan> beith ann.</p>
<text type="poem"><body>
<p>Tigernach c<expan>e</expan>c<expan>init</expan> :</p>
<lg n="1">
<l>Mirín ará]in eorna án</l>
<l>ba sí mo chuitid f<expan>or</expan> clár,</l>
<l>gass birair is usci té </l>
<l>ba si mo chuit cach n-aidchi</l>
<lg n="2.1">
<l>Cid dotug, a Chuach<expan>ai</expan>n</l>
<l>dar moing Muadain (.i. anis) ?</l>
<p>.i. angelus dixit :</p>
<lg n="2.2">
<l>do crabud is do lére </l>
<l>ocus ęslabra (.i. enech) Guaire.</l>
<p>[R2] Darfraich m<expan>áthair</expan> Tig<expan>er</expan>naig, is fria atb<expan>er</expan>t Cechtamair Droma Dubain inso iar femed in craind do dluighi aci ac denam a derthaigi :
<lg n="1">
<l>A Darf<expan>r</expan>aich !</l>
<l>a m<expan>áthair</expan> Tig<expan>er</expan>naigh naim !</l>
<l>taet do chobair na bu mall,</l>
<l>dluigh in crann i fail in tsáeir.</l>
<pb n="112" />
<p>[R2] Tig<expan>er</expan>nach m<expan>ac</expan> Cairpri m<expan>eic</expan> F<expan>er</expan>g<expan>us</expan>ai m<expan>ei</expan>c Ennai m<expan>ei</expan>c Labain m<expan>eic</expan> Briuin m<expan>eic</expan> Echach m<expan>eic</expan> Daire Barr<expan>aig</expan> m<expan>eic</expan> Caih<expan>air</expan>.
<p>[L] Mair.</p>
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