A Welsh version of the birth of Arthur and the ordeal of the sword in the stone
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J. H. Davies' edition.
Proofread and corrected: ¶¶ 1-26 (Welsh text).
Editorial decisions:
- Note 3 to the Welsh text, containing the text of the fragment in Llanstephan MS 4, has been transposed to a dedicated section.
- Because Davies’ original edition is without paragraph numbering, it has been introduced here for legibility and easier referentiability.
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<title>A Welsh version of the birth of Arthur and the ordeal of the sword in the stone</title>
<witness xml:id="llan201">Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales, MS 1A, olim Llanstephan MS 201</witness>
<witness xml:id="pen215">Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales, Peniarth MS 215, a copy of the former by John Jones of Gellilyfdy, with additions of unknown origin which are given in the edition.</witness>
<witness xml:id="llan4">Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales, Llanstephan MS 4</witness>
<p>Additional readings from Pen. 215, which occur within square brackets in the edition and in italics in the translation, have been reproduced with rdg and app. Of these, Davies has to say: <q>The portion of the Welsh text within square brackets has been taken from the transcript made by John Jones in 1611, when the words may have been legible. On the other hand it is quite possible, as suggested above, that Jones inserted them from some other source, or from his own imagination. The italicized words in the English translation answer to the words within brackets in the Welsh version.</q></p>
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<pb n="250" />
<note><head type="editorial">Llanstephan MS. 201 (National Library of Wales) commences:</head></note>
<p n="1" xml:id="text-1"><gap extent="unknown">...</gap>iddi gyfran oi dyrnas <app><rdg wit="#pen215">tra vai</rdg></app> ef vyw, Ag ymhen ychydic o amser <app><rdg wit="#pen215">gwedy hynny</rdg></app> y peris ef darparu gwled i wyrda <app><rdg wit="#pen215">yr</rdg></app> ynys ac yny wled honno y priodes <app><rdg wit="#pen215">ef Eygyr ac</rdg></app> y tagnoueddod genedyl Gwr<app><rdg wit="#pen215">leis ai gedymddei</rdg></app>thon o gwbyl. Dwy verchet <app><rdg wit="#pen215">a oeddynt i Wrleis</rdg></app> o Eygyr nit amgen <app><rdg wit="#pen215">Gwyar a Dioneta.</rdg></app> <app><rdg wit="#pen215">Gwyar</rdg></app> a oedd yn weddw <app><rdg wit="#pen215">yn llys i that a Hywel y mab</rdg></app> y gyt ahi gwedy <app><rdg wit="#pen215">marw Ymerllydaw i gwr</rdg></app> priot. Ac Uthyr <app><rdg wit="#pen215">a beris i Leu vab Kynvarch</rdg></app> i phriodi a phlant <app><rdg wit="#pen215">a gowsant nit amgen no</rdg></app> deu vab Gwa<app><rdg wit="#pen215">lchmei a Medrawt a thair mer</rdg></app>chet Gracia G<app><rdg wit="#pen215">raeria Dioneta. y verch arall</rdg></app> ir twyssawc a <app><rdg wit="#pen215">beris Uthyr yn ynys Avallach</rdg></app> a honno a vu gyw<app><rdg wit="#pen215">reinaf dyn yn seith gel</rdg></app>vyddyt yn vn oes a<app><rdg wit="#pen215">hi</rdg></app>.</p>
<p n="2" xml:id="text-2"><app><rdg wit="#pen215">A phan ddarvu y wled</rdg></app> a chymryt o bawp eu <app><rdg wit="#pen215">kanyat y nessaodd</rdg></app> <persName><app><rdg wit="#pen215">Myr</rdg></app>ddin</persName> at Uthyr ac y dy<app><rdg wit="#pen215">vawt wrthaw val hynn</rdg></app> <said>Arglwyd</said> heb ef <said>dieu yw <app><rdg wit="#pen215">y mae drwy vyng</rdg></app> hannorthwy i y keueist di dy <app><rdg wit="#pen215">ewyllys hyt</rdg></app> hynn ymhob lle wrth hynny <app><rdg wit="#pen215">tal ym vy</rdg></app> llauur yny modd i haddeweist ym.</said> <said>Mi ai talaf yn llawen</said> heb yr Uthyr <said>Arglwyd</said> heb y Myrddin <said>y mae Eigyr yn<app><rdg wit="#pen215">awr</rdg></app> yn veichioc yr y nos y kysgeist y gyt a hi ynghastell Dindagol a phytiued bynnac a vo ytti ni chymerir yn yr ynys yn etiued itti o achos y gael kyn nor briodas. Wrth hynny keler yn dda hyt pan aner, ac yna <app><rdg wit="#pen215">rhodder</rdg></app> attaf
vi, a mi a baraf i veithrin yn am <app><rdg wit="#pen215">geleddus ddirgele</rdg></app>dic
hyt na ddel kewilyd nac <app><rdg wit="#pen215">itti nac ir Arglwyddes</rdg></app> ac ef a
allai y mae yr etiued <app><rdg wit="#pen215">hwnnw a lywio y kyvoeth</rdg></app> yth ol.</said></p>
<p n="3" xml:id="text-3">Ac Uthyr y nos <app><rdg wit="#pen215">yn i wely a ddyfot wrth</rdg></app> Eygyr yn y mod
y dys<app><rdg wit="#pen215">gassei Vyrddin iddaw.</rdg></app> <said><app><rdg wit="#pen215">Tebic</rdg></app> yw gennyf</said> heb ef
<said>dy <app><rdg wit="#pen215">vot yn veichioc.</rdg></app></said> <said>Arglwyd</said> heb yr Eygyr <said>dy <app><rdg wit="#pen215">nawdd a archaf a mi a</rdg></app> vynagaf wirioned <app><rdg wit="#pen215">Pan yttoeddwn i
ynghastell</rdg></app> Dindagol ath lu <app><rdg wit="#pen215">dithau ynghylch y kastell</rdg></app>
ydd oed Wrleis <app><rdg wit="#pen215">yntaw y doeth attaf i mewn</rdg></app> trywyr <pb n="251"/> yn <pb n=""/>vn<note n="1" place="bottom">There is evidently some mistake here, some words having been omitted.</note> <app><rdg wit="#pen215">ffuryf a Gwrleis a hwnnw a</rdg></app> gysgod y gyt a mi y nos
<app><rdg wit="#pen215">honno a phann aeth ef</rdg></app> ymaith drannoeth y ged<app><rdg wit="#pen215">ewis ef
vyvi yn</rdg></app> veichioc.</said> <said>Gorev kynghor a <app><rdg wit="#pen215">wnn i Tewi</rdg></app></said> <app><rdg wit="#pen215">heb</rdg></app> yr
Uthyr <said>hyt pan aner ac <app><rdg wit="#pen215">yna mi ai</rdg></app> hanvonaf yr lle y caffo
i veithrin yn anwyl</said>;</p>
<p n="4">ac ar hynny y trigassant yni anet
mab tec, a chenhat a gyrchod ac ef hyt yn llys Kynyr
Varvoc Arglwydd Penllyn a llythyrev Uthyr a rai
Myrddin gantho a phan ddoeth ir llys y dodes y mab ger
bron Kynyr ar llythyrev yn i law a Chynyr a agores ac a
darlleodd y geiriav hynn. <said>Y mae Uthyr Bendragon
benn y Brytaniet yn anvon annerch a gwir arglwyddiaeth
y Gynyr Varuoc atnabyddet dy gynddrycholder di erchi
ynn drwy vy hun mynet allan oddieithyr drws yr ystauell
a pha eneidiawl bynnac a welwn yno peri i veithrin yn
annwyl wrth hynny mi a orchymynnaf ytti peri meithrin y
mab a gowsom ni <app><rdg wit="#pen215">yno ac ydd ym</rdg></app> yn i anuot attat ti a
hynny <app><rdg wit="#pen215">ar laeth bronneu</rdg></app> dy wraic dy hun a pheri
<app><rdg wit="#pen215">mamaeth arall ith</rdg></app> vab ditheu.</said> A gwedy <app><rdg wit="#pen215">darvot i
Gynyr darllen y</rdg></app> llythyreu kymryt y mab <app><rdg wit="#pen215">a oruc a pheri
i vedyddio</rdg></app> ai henwi Arthur <app><rdg wit="#pen215">ai veithrin yni yttoedd</rdg></app>
bederblwyd ar ddec <app><rdg wit="#pen215">yn y mod ydd erchyssit</rdg></app> iddaw o
gwbyl. Uthyr <app><rdg wit="#pen215">Bendragon a wledychodd</rdg></app> yn yr ynys
honn hynny <app><rdg wit="#pen215">o vlynydded o gw</rdg></app>byl a merch a vu iddaw <app><rdg wit="#pen215">o
Eygyr a</rdg></app> elwitt Anna ac yny bedwaredd <app><rdg wit="#pen215">vlwyddyn ar
ddec yn</rdg></app> wythnos wyl Marthin y tervynwyt ar Uthyr
Bendragon yny mod ytreithir yn Ystoria y Brytaniett.</p>
<p n="5">A
gwedy marw Uthyr yd ymgynullasant ygyt wyrda yr ynys
hyt Ynghaer Vuddai rac bronn Dyffric Archescob i
ymgynhori ac ef pwy a wnelynt yn vrenin i lywio y dyrnas
ac i edrych pwy a allai vott o voned a moessau a chedernyt
yn vrenin canys dieu oed ganthunt varw Uthyr yn ddietiued
oi gorff onyt merch, ac angen a oed yn eu kymell i
hynny nit amgen nor Saesson a gyfleassai Gwrtheyrn
Gwrtheneu yn yr ynys honn a pha glowssant varwolaeth
Uthyr yddanvonassant gennadeu i Germania ynol eu
kenedyl ac y gorysgynnyssant or ynys o Aber Hvmyr hyt
mor Katneif. A gwedy gwarandaw o Ddyffrig ar berigl
y deyrnas ae govit kyt ddoluriaw a oruc ar bobyl a galw
attaw esgyb y deyrnas ae phenadurieit ac erchi vddunt
mynet i ddethol brenin arnunt yn enw Duw. Ac yna dechreu
<pb n="252"/>traethu bob eilwers a orugant a phob un yn i gyveir a
etholes i gyfnessaf ehun neu y neb mwyaf a garai. Ac
velly drwy aghytvndeb ni chat neb a allai dderbyniet yr
anryded hwnnw drwy gytsyniedigaeth kyffredin. Ac yna
ystyriet a wnaeth Dyffric ar drallawt y bobyl a meddyliaw
geirieu Crist yn yr euengil <quote>Pob teyrnas awahaner
ynddi ehun a ddistrywir</quote>. Ac yddoed ef yn gwelet y
kyuoethogyon yn koddi y tlodion a chedyrn yn treissiaw y
gweinieit. Ac enwir yn tremygu kywir o eissieu kywirdeb
a llywodraeth. Ac yna o gytgyngor govyn i Vyrddin pwy
a etholynt arnunt yn vrenin kanys ef ai dysgassai
ddwywaith kyn no hynny.</p>
<p n="6">Ac yna y dyuot Myrddin na
weddai iddo ymyrru ar neges gymeint a honno nac mor
danbeit a hi, ac yr hynny heb ef <said>kynghor a roddaf ywch o
byddwch wrthaw</said>. Ac yna yddaddawssant hwy bot wrth y
kynghor a roddei ef vddvnt. <said>Arglwyddi</said> heb y Myrddin
<said>yn y lle wedy gwyl Marthin y bu varw Uthyr bendragon
Ac agos yw hynn ir nodolic kyfenw ir dyd y doeth Krist vn
mab Duw ir byt ovrv yr arglwyddes Vair wyry o wirvawr
gariat y bobyl yr hwnn yssyd arglwyd ar yr arglwyddi a
brenin ar y brenhined yr hwnn a vvyddhaa gwan a chadarn
iddaw rac yr hwnn nit oes ford i fo ir neb a wrthwynepo yr
hwnn nit edrych personoliaeth ddynion onyt eu kallonnev
wrth hynny ymgyweirieit bawb ac ymlanhaet ohonoch
erbyn y dywededic amser hwnnw a deuwch ir eglwys ygyt
a gweddiwch Dduw yn ddidramgwyd ar ddangos o hono ef
pwy a vo teilwng ywch llywio ac os yn dda yddymddiriedwch
yr arch a ganhiedir ywch. Kanys ef a ddyuot
adolygwch kymerwch keissiwch a chwi ai kewch.</said></p>
<p n="7">A
gwedy darvot i Vyrddin traethu yr ymadrod hwnnw
kymryt knnat ygwyrda i vynet tu ai wlat a oruc. Ac yna
diolwch a wnaethant hwy yn vawr iddaw ef i gyngor ac
adolwc iddaw ef drigyaw gyt ac wynt y Nadolic ac ni
thrigyawd ef ac nit eddewis ddyuot erbyn yr amser
hwnnw o achos dyd oed y ryngthaw a Blasius esgob i dat
eneit ef ac ysgrivennyd cwbyl oi broffwydolaethev. A
mynet a oruc Myrddin yw wiat.</p>
<p n="8">A nos Nodolic yddymgynullawd
i gyt cwbyl or dyrnas gwan a chadarn kyuoethawc
a thlawt. Ac yno y doeth Kynyr Varvoc a Chai i vab ygyt
ac ef, ac ni wyddiat Arthur na ba Gynyr vai i dat ai
anrydeddu a wnai yny mod y dylyei vab anrydeddu i dat.
A phan ganod y keilioc gyntaf kyuodi a wnaeth pawb a
mynet ir eglwys ar Archesgob a ddechrevod y gwassanaeth <pb n="253"/>
ac a erchis i bawb weddiaw Duw yny mod yddarchassai
Myrddin. </p>
<p n="9">Agwedy pylgeint yr archesgob a wisgod
amdanaw ir efferen gyntaf ac y dyvot wrth y bobyl
Arglwyddi heb ef tri pheth ynt anghenreit yn eu kael
Iechyt on eneittieu a llwyddiant ar y korfforoed a brenin
yn llywio ac nit oes ford i gael yr vn o hynny drwy
nerthoed eynym yn hun wrth hynny erchwch ir neb y
gwnair pob peth yn i henw ac ni ellir gwneuthur dim
hebddo ac yni vo ef an gwarandawo dywetet pawb
pumweith y weddi a ddysgod Crist yw ddisgyblon.</p>
<p n="10">Agwedy tervynu ar y geirieu hynny yr efferen a ganwyt
hyt gwedy yr euengil. Ac yna yddoed y nos yn yrnwahanu
ar dyd arai kyntaf a offrymod a aethant allan oddieithyr
yr eglwys y vas gwastat a oed o vewn pyrth y vanachloc;
ac ymherved y maes hwynt a arganvuant maen mawr
pedrogyl vn lliw a maen marmor ac yny maen yddoed
kleddyf yn sevyll yn wysc i vlaen yn gyn gadarnet a phai
or maen ybai yn tyuu.</p>
<p n="11">Ac ynghylch y kleddyf yddoed
gwersev yn ysgrivenedic o lythyr eurait nit amgen:
<lb />
<graphic url="https://codecs.vanhamel.nl/wikis/codecs/images/thumb/5/5f/Img-1645268926-Welsh-birth-Arthur.png/320px-Img-1645268926-Welsh-birth-Arthur.png"/>
<lb />Synnwyr y gwerseu hynn yma: y cleddyf hwnn yssyd
arwyd y ddangos brenin teilwng gerbron Duw.</p>
<p n="12">Ni thyn
neb y cleddyf onit vn oblegyt Duw. A gwedy darllein yr
ysgriven anvon kenadeu yr eglwys a orugant y vynegi y
damwein hwnnw ir archesgob. Ac yna meddylio a oruc
yr archesgob panyw Duw a anvonassai yr arwyd hwnnw a
chyrchv tu ar lle yddoed y maen yn ddianot a chyffredin y
bobyl y gyt ac ef a bwrw dwuyr bendigeit arnaw ac addoli
i Dduw a wnaethant a gorchymvn i bump or ysgolheigyon
gorev a phump or lleygyon kadw y maen hyt pan ddarfei yr
efferen a than ganv moliant i Dduw yr eglwys a gyrchassant.</p>
<p n="13">A gwedy darvot yr efferen ymchwelut lle yddoed y <pb n="254"/>
maen a orugant ac ymogyuuchiaw y ryngthvnt pwy gyntaf
a dynnei neu a ddylyei proui tynnv y cleddyf or maen.
Rai o naddvnt a vynnynt hynny o achos eu gallv ereill oi
pryt ai kedernyt ereill o amylder kenedloed.</p>
<p n="14">Ac yna pan
weles Dyfric y gynvigen y dyvot wrth y bobyl, O vyngheredigyon
i kyt lawenhau a ddylywn heddiw gerbron
Duw: achos euo oi wiruawr drugared yngoruchel eisteddua
yny nef yd derbynniod yn gweddi ni yma attaw ef.
Ac wrth hynny mi a adolygaf ac a orchymynnaf ywch or
meddiant mwyaf yssyt i mi i gan Dduw, na nessaet neb
ar y dwyuawl arwyd hwn yr i amherchi a gweddiwn Dduw
ar ddangos ini pwy a vo brenin yn llywio a dieu yw na
allem ni pei mynem lesteiriaw ar Dduw wneuthur a vynno,
wrth hynny arhown ni yn amyneddus yr hwnn a ddetholes
ef kanys ni ellir i dwyllaw a roddion nis bygylir a bygwth,
ni chais dim gan ddyn onit i gallon: o achos ybyt ac
yssyd ynddo a wnaeth ef y wassanaethu dyn, a dyn i
wassanaethu iddo ynteu.</p>
<p n="15">Ac yna ydd aethant ir eglwys
wrth efferen bryt echwyd, a gwedy daruot yr efferen, y lle
yddoed y maen a gyrchassant a Dyffric a ddyuot wrth
wyrda y deyrnas Arglwyddi chwi a ddylywch yn vawr
diolwch i Grist ddangos i chwi y kyfriw arwyd ac a ddangosses
yw ddisgyblon pan yttoed yn mynet yw ddioddevaint
ac y dyvot wrthvnt, y neb ni bo cleddyf iddo
gwerthet i bais a phrynet vn iddo. Heb yr vn or disgyblon
y mae yma ddav gleddyf digon ynt hynny heb y
Crist. Drwy y naill gleddyf y dyellir meddiant ysprydawl.
ysyd yn llaw breladieit yr eglwys yrai a ddylyant rybuddio
y bobyl ar bechu o honunt ai gellwng yn ediveiriawc
oi pechodeu. Drwy y cleddyf arall y dyellir meddiant
arglwyddi bydawl yrai a ddylyant kanhorthwy gwann a
chosbi creulon a chadw kyviawnder ar cleddyf hwnnw a
ddangosses Duw ichwi heddiw.</p>
<p n="16">Ac arol y geirieu hynn
dethol a oruc Dyfric decwyr a devgein a devcant o orevgwyr
y deyrnas ac erchi vddunt o hynaf i hynaf broui tynnv
y cleddyf or maen ac ni allawd neb onaddvnt i dynnv.
Ac yna ydderchis Dyfric i bawb yn ol i gilyd i dynnv os gallai ac ni chat neb ai
gallai yn hynny o amser. Ac yna
ydderchis Dyfric ir decwyr gadw y maen hyt<gap>.......</gap><note n="2" place="bottom">The scribe has left this sentence unfinished as he was probably not able to read his original.</note>
ac erchi i bawb dyuot ir lle hwnnw y dyd hwnnw. A <pb n="255"/>
gwedy ev dyvot igyt ynyr amser hwnnw y dywedassant
wrth yr archescob nat ent vyth or dinas neu oi gylch yni
wyppynt pwy a vyddei vrenhin arnaddvnt.</p>
<p n="17">Agwedy
gwarando efferen onaddvnt a gwnevthur yn llawen o bawb
mynet a wnaeth i chwareu fonn a tharian ac i dorri peledyr a
thylwyth y dinas a aeth i edrych hyt yn oet y
decwyr a oed yn cadw y maen. Kai vab Kynvr a
vrddessit yn varchoc vrddol dduw kalan gaeaf kyn no
hynny ac a dothoed yno i ynnill yr esgidiev ac yna kynnwrwf
a thervysc a gyvodes y ryngthvnt yn diwed y chware
ac ymgvraw a wnethant yn ddihavarch ac yna y torres
Kai i gleddyf yn emyl y groes ac anvon Arthur oi letty a
oruc yn ol cleddyf arall iddo. A phan ddoeth Arthur tu
ar llety ni chavas ford i mewn o achos bot y tylwyth yn
edrych ar y chware.</p>
<p n="18">Ac ymchwelut yn drist a wnaeth
hyt ymhorth y vanachloc ac arganvot y cleddyf ar maen
heb neb yn ev kadw a meddylio na phrofassei ef i dynnv,
ac os ef a allai i dynnv i roddei i Gai i vrawt yn lle y
cleddyf a dorrassai yny gware a discynnv a oruc ac ymauel
a dwrn y cleddyf ai dynnv yn ddilesteir ai gvddiaw dan
got i aruev ae ddwyn i Gai.</p>
<p n="19">A phan weles Kai y cleddyf
i atnabot a wnaeth ai ddangos oi dat, a dywedut brenhin
wyfi: brenin wyfi: mi a dynneis y cleddyf or maen. Pan
weles Kynyr hynny anghredu Kai a wnaeth a mynet ell
tri hyt y lle yddoed y maen a govyn a oruc Kynyr i Gai
pa wed y kawssei ef y cleddyf. Ac yna meddylio a oruc
yn ddrwc koddi i dat: a dywedut y mae Arthur a roddassai
atto ef y cleddyf. Ac yna govyn i Arthur a oruc
Kynyr ac ef a vynegis y wirioned panyw ef a dynassai y
cleddyf. Dyro y cleddyf y lle i keveist heb y Kynyr. A
hynny a oruc Arthur yn ddilesteir, a Chynyr a erchis i
Gai tynnv y cleddyf, ac ni allod ef hynny. Tynn y
cleddyf heb y Kynyr wrth Arthur a hynny a wnaeth
Arthur yn ddiannot ai roddi yny maen drachevyn a mynet
ell tri ir eglwys a orugant.</p>
<p n="20">A Chynyr a gymerth Arthur
rwng i ddwylaw ac a ddyvot val hynn. O dydi vyngharedickaf
vab pa anryded a wnaut ti i mi pei mi a allai dy
wneuthur yn vrenin ar y dyrnas. Arglwyd dat heb yr
Arthur a roddo Duw i mi o dda yn y byt hwnn nit i rannv
a wnaf a thi namyn i roddi o gwbyl yn dy veddiant ti.
Ac yna y dyvot Kynyr tatmeth. wyfi iti, ac yn dat knawdol
yddwyt im kymryt. Ac yr hynny y tat ath geissiawd an
vam athuc ir byt ni wn i hatnabot. Ac yna wylo a oruc <pb n="256"/>
Arthur a dywedut Arglwyd Dduw beth a vynneis i ir byt
hwnn a diobeith wyf hyt hynn mal vnic a ddelei or ddaear,
paham nat ir ddaear yddaf inheu yr awr honn. Ac yna y
dyvot Kynyr wrth Arthur myvi a bereis dy vedyddio di
ath enwi Arthur ath vreithrin a wnevthvm ac os Duw a
ddyry anryded yt, ti a ddylyy i gyfrannv am koffav i pan
ddelych ith deyrnas dy hvn.</p>
<p n="21">Kymer vi yn lle mab ytt
heb yr Arthur a mi a wnaf a erchy. Mi a archaf yt heb y
Kynyr wnevthur Kai vy mab yn ddistein ar dy holl
dyrnas, ac na ddiswydder ef yr geir nac yr gweithret er a
wnel. O achos os evo a vyd krynwreid nat arnaw
y mae y keryd onit arnat ti canys tydi a vagwyt ar
laeth bronnev i vam ef ac yntev ar laeth alldudes afrywioc
oth achos di. Ac Arthur a eddewis i Gynyr hynny
o gwbyl ac yna Kynyr a ddyvot wrth yr archescob
y mae imi vab nit marchoc vrddol ef etwa, ac yn adolywn
gadel iddaw broui tynnv y cleddyf.</p>
<p n="22">Ac yna ydderchis yr
archescob i bawb dyvot hyt y lle yddoed y maen, agwedy
dyvot pawb ygyt ydderchis Kynyr i Arthur roddi y
cleddyf yn llaw Ddyfric a hynny a oruc Arthur yn
ddilesteir. Ac yna y kymerth Dyfric Arthur erbyn i law
ac yddaeth ac ef tu ar eglwys gan ganu moliant i Dduw.
Ac yna llidiaw or Ieirll ar Barwinieit a dywedut y
ryngthvnt hwnn a henyw o waet issel a ninhev a henym o
waet Uthyr Bendragon pa vod y gallwn ni ddioddef hwnn
yn llywio ni. Kynyr a oed yn sevyll igyt ac Arthur a
chyffredin y bobyl, ac yn i erbyn yddoeddynt yr ieirll ar
barwnieit oll. Pan weles Dyfric y gynvigen honno
dywedut a oruc wrthvnt pe byddem ni oll yn erbyn
etholedic Duw a vynno Duw a vyd dir.</p>
<p n="23">Ac yna y roddes
Arthur y cleddyf yn y maen ac ydderchis Dyffric i bawb i
dynnv os gallai ac nis gallod neb. Ac yna yddoedet am
hynny hyt wyl Vair y kanhwylle. Ar dyd hwnnw y proves
pawb i dynnv ac nis gallod neb. Ac yna ydderchis Dyfric
i Arthur dwyn y cleddyf atto ef a hynny a oruc Arthur ar
kedeyrn a archassant yna oedi am hynny hyt y Pasc i
edrych a geffit person a val vwch o voned noc Arthur. A
nos Basc gwedy ev dyvot ygyt y govynnod Dyfric vddvnt
a vynnynt Arthur yn vrenin arnunt. Ac yna y dyvot
pawb yni gyveir, Bit vrenin ef arnam ni a cheitwat ac
<p n="24">A thrannoeth y bore yr Ieirll ar Barwnieit
a nessaassant ar Arthur ac a ddywedassant wrthaw val
hynn. Arglwyd brenin arnam ni vyddy di, kymer yn <pb n="257"/>
gwriogeth dyro yn dir a daear a Duw sulgwyn ni a roddwn
y goron am dy benn dyro yn atteb oth benn dy hvn ar
hynn. Mi a wnaf heb yr Arthur: kymryt gwriogeth neb
na roddi tir i neb nai ddwyn i ganthaw nis gwnaf i yn i
vo y goron am vymhenn ac aros am y goron a wnaf yn
llawen achos an meddylies ermoet achvb anryded onit yr
hwnn a roddei Dduw ym. A gwedy na allassant hwy or
for honno i dwyllo ef, anvon anregion amyl iddo a orugant
i edrych ai gwelynt yn dra chwannoc i dda neu
yn dra chybyd o hono. A hynny a wybu Arthur ac
ymarver a wnaeth ef yni plith hwy hyt y Sulgwyn yn i
aeth ar rai i ofyn ac ar ereill i garu dros gwbyl or dyrnas.</p>
<p n="25">A Sadwrn y Sulgwynn yddvrddwyt ef yn varchoc vrddawl
a llawer ygyt ac ef yr anryded iddaw. A thrannoeth y
bore y gwisgwyt gwisc vrenhinawl amdano ac yddaethbwyt
ac ef hyt y lle yddoed <app><rdg wit="#pen215">y maen</rdg></app> ar cleddyf ac yna
y dyvot Dyfric wrtho Arglwyd llyma y kyfreithiev a
ddylyy di i kadw, ffyd gatholic ac eglwys Duw a gweinieit
athlodion kynnal hwynt yn gadarn anrydedda Dduw ar
saint yn vwyaf agellych gwarando dy gynghorwyr yn
amyneddus, kadw gyfreithiev da, kosba yrai enwir. Ac
os hynn a eddewy i wneuthur kymer y cleddyf a anvones
Duw ytt yn arwyd kariat arnat, a chedernyt i ninheu.
Ac yna<note n="3" place="bottom">[See Llanstephan MS 4 below]</note> gostwng a oruc Arthur ar i liniev a dyrchavel i
ddwylaw a dywedut Duw a roddo y mi rat i lywio vy
synnwyr am gweithredoed ar voliant iddaw ef, ac ar les
vy eneit vy hvn, a chedernyt ych llywio chwithev. Ac
yna kymryt y cleddyf yn i law a oruc a mynet ir eglwys
ac eisted yn y gadair vrenhinawl ar archescob a roddes y
goron am i benn ar deyrnwialen yn i law. </p>
<p n="26">A gwedy
darvot <app><rdg wit="#pen215">yr efferen</rdg></app> hwynt a aethant i geissiaw y maen ac ni <pb n="258"/>
welet y maen vyth o hynny allan, a threvliaw y wled a
orugant. Ac odd yna yddaeth Arthur i ryvelu ac i lywio
i dyrnas yny mod y treithir yn ystoria y Brytanieit ar
cleddyf hwnnw a getwis Arthur gantho tra vu vyw a
hwnnw a elwit <objectName ref="#Caledfwlch">Kaletvwlch</objectName>. Ac velly y tervyna yr ystoria
<text type="edition">
<note place="inline">
<head>Llanstephan MS. 4</head>
<p>This fragment is found as a footnote in Davies’ edition, but has been elevated to serve as a standalone text.</p>
<p><note place="inline">The following is a copy of the same text from MS. 4 Llanstephan, f. 505, which was written about 1400:</note></p>
<p n="25">gest&v6;g aoruc arthur ar y linyeu. A drychauel yd&v6;yla&v6; a dwyedut. Du&v6; a rodho y minheu rat ylywya&v6; vysynh&v6;yreu am g&v6;eithredoed ar volyant ida&v6; ef. Ac ar les ym eneit vyhun. A chedernyt ych llywya&v6; ch&v6;itheu. Ac yna kymryt y cledyf yny la&v6; aoruc arthur a mynet yr egl&v6;ys. Ac eisted yny gadeir. Ac yna yr ar-archescob a rodes y goron am y ben ar deyrnwialen yny la&v6;.</p>
<p n="26">A g&v6;edy daruot yr offeren &v6;ynt a aethant i geissia&v6; y maen. ac ni welet y maen vyth o hynny allan. A threulia&v6; y wied a orugant <gap>...</gap> Ac velly teruyna yr ystoria hon yvrth maen Arthur.</p>
<text type="translation" >
<note place="inline" type="editorial"><head>A Translation of the foregoing</head></note>
<pb n="258" />
<p n="1">...to her a portion of his kingdom <app><rdg wit="#pen215">whilst</rdg></app> he lived. And a short time <app><rdg wit="#pen215">afterwards</rdg></app> he caused a feast to be prepared for the nobles of the island, and at the feast he married <rdg wit="#pen215">Eigyr</rdg> and made peace with the <app><rdg wit="#pen215">kinsmen of <persName>Gwrleis</persName></rdg></app> and all his allies. <persName><app><rdg wit="#pen215">Gwrl</rdg></app>eis</persName> had two daughters by <persName>Eigyr</persName>, <app><rdg wit="#pen215">Gwyar</rdg></app> and <app><rdg wit="#pen215">Dioneta</rdg></app>. <app><rdg wit="#pen215">Gwyar</rdg></app> was a widow, and after <app><rdg wit="#pen215">the death of</rdg></app> her husband <app><rdg wit="#pen215">Ymer Llydaw</rdg></app> (she dwelt) <app><rdg wit="#pen215">at her father’s court with her son, Hywel</rdg></app>. Now Uther <app><rdg wit="#pen215">caused Lleu, the son of Cynvarch</rdg></app>, to marry her, and they had children, two sons, Gwa<app><rdg wit="#pen215">lchmai and Medrawd, and three</rdg></app> daughters, Gracia, <app><rdg wit="#pen215">Graeria</rdg></app>, and <app><rdg wit="#pen215">Dioneta</rdg></app>. The Duke’s <app><rdg wit="#pen215">other daughter, Uther caused (to be sent) to the Isle of Avallach</rdg></app>, and of all in her age she was most <app><rdg wit="#pen215">skilled in the seven</rdg></app> arts.</p>
<p n="2"><app><rdg wit="#pen215">Now when the feast was over</rdg></app> and all had taken their <app><rdg wit="#pen215">leave</rdg></app>, <app><rdg wit="#pen215">Mer</rdg></app>lin drew near Uther and <app><rdg wit="#pen215">spoke to him thus</rdg></app>, <said>Lord</said>,” said he, <said>in sooth <app><rdg wit="#pen215">it was by my aid</rdg></app> that thou didst obtain thy <app><rdg wit="#pen215">will</rdg></app> in all places up to the present, now therefore <app><rdg wit="#pen215">pay me for</rdg></app> my pains as thou didst promise.</said> <said>Gladly will I pay thee,</said> said Uther. <said>Sir,</said> said Merlin, <said>Eigyr is now with child since the night thou didst sleep with her in Tintagel Castle, and whatever heir thou dost have, he will not be recognised in the island as thine, since he was conceived before marriage. Therefore conceal this matter well until the child be born, and then let (the child) be <app><rdg wit="#pen215">given</rdg></app> unto me, and I will cause him to be nurtured <app><rdg wit="#pen215">with care in secret</rdg></app> so that neither <app><rdg wit="#pen215">thou nor thy lady</rdg></app> shall be put to shame, and possibly this heir <app><rdg wit="#pen215">may rule the kingdom</rdg></app> after thy day.</said></p>
<p n="3">And at night <app><rdg wit="#pen215">in bed</rdg></app> Uther <app><rdg wit="#pen215">spoke to</rdg></app> Eigyr in the manner Merlin <app><rdg wit="#pen215">had taught him</rdg></app>. <said><app><rdg wit="#pen215">It seemeth</rdg></app> to me,</said> said he, <said>that <app><rdg wit="#pen215">thou art with child</rdg></app>.</said> <said>Sir,</said> said Eigyr, <said><app><rdg wit="#pen215">thy protection I crave</rdg></app>, and I will speak the truth. <app><rdg wit="#pen215">When I was in the castle</rdg></app> of Tintagel, and thy army <app><rdg wit="#pen215">lay around the castle</rdg></app> where Gwrleis was, <app><rdg wit="#pen215">there came in unto me</rdg></app> three men in form <app><rdg wit="#pen215">like unto Gwrleis</rdg></app>,<note n="1" place="bottom">Some words have evidently been omitted at this place in the Welsh text.</note> and he slept with me <app><rdg wit="#pen215">that night</rdg></app>, <app><rdg wit="#pen215">and when he went away</rdg></app> the following day he <app><rdg wit="#pen215">left me</rdg></app> with child.</said> <said>The best counsel <app><rdg wit="#pen215">that I wot is to be silent</rdg></app>,</said> said Uther, <said>until the birth (of the child) and <app><rdg wit="#pen215">then will I</rdg></app> send it to a place where it will be <pb n="259" />lovingly nurtured.</said> </p>
<p n="4">And this they agreed upon until such time as a handsome son was born, and a messenger took (the child) to the court of Kynyr Varvoc, Lord of Penllyn, and with him letters from Uther and Merlin. And when he came to the court, he placed the had before Kynyr and he gave him the letters, and Kynyr opened them and read the following words: <said>Uther Pendragon, chief of the Britons, sendeth greetings and true lordship to Kynyr Varvoc, may thy presence know that I was commanded in my sleep to go outside the door of my chamber and whatever living being I saw there, was I to cause to be nurtured lovingly, therefore command I thee to upbring the lad we found there, <app><rdg wit="#pen215">whom we are</rdg></app> now sending to thee, and thy wife shall <app><rdg wit="#pen215">suckle him</rdg></app> and provide <app><rdg wit="#pen215">another nurse</rdg></app> for thine own son.</said> And when <app><rdg wit="#pen215">Kynyr had read</rdg></app> the letters, he took the lad and <app><rdg wit="#pen215">caused him to be baptized</rdg></app> by the name of Arthur, <app><rdg wit="#pen215">and he nurtured him until</rdg></app> he was fourteen years old in all ways <app><rdg wit="#pen215">as he had been commanded</rdg></app>. Uther <app><rdg wit="#pen215">Bendragon ruled this</rdg></app> <app><rdg wit="#pen215">is</rdg></app>land for <gap>. . .</gap> <app><rdg wit="#pen215">years altogether</rdg></app> and he had a daughter born <app><rdg wit="#pen215">of Eigyr</rdg></app> called Anna, and in the <app><rdg wit="#pen215">fourteenth year</rdg></app> in the week of the feast of Martin came the end of Uther Bendragon as is related in the History of the Britons.</p>
<p n="5">And after Uther’s death the nobles of the isle met together at Caer Vuddai in the presence of the Archbishop Dyfric to take counsel with him as to whom they should make king to rule over the kingdom, and to see who in point of birth and morals and strength was worthy to be king, for they doubted not that Uther had died leaving no heir of his body except a daughter. And indeed necessity urged them to this, seeing that the Saxons whom Vortigern had settled in the island had no sooner heard of the death of Uther than they sent messengers to Germany to fetch their kinsmen, and they overcame the island from the mouth of the Humber to the sea of Caithness. And when Dyfric had heard of the peril and misery of the kingdom he felt compassion for the people, and he summoned the bishops of the kingdom and their chiefs and beseeched them in the name of God to choose a king. And thereupon they began to speak anew and straightway each one chose his own kinsman or his greatest friend, so that through their disagreement there was none who could receive the honour by common consent. Thereupon Dyfric reflected upon the tribulation of the people and thought of the words of Christ in the Gospel, <said>every kingdom that is divided within itself shall be destroyed,</said> and he perceived that the rich angered the poor, and the strong oppressed the weak, and the wicked despised the righteous from the want of justice and government. And thereupon they agreed to ask Merlin whom they should elect as their king, for he had advised them on two previous occasions.</p>
<pb n="260" />
<p n="6">Thereupon Merlin said that it was not fitting that he should interfere in so important and wrath-provoking an affair as that, <said>yet</said>, said he, <said>I will give you counsel if you will abide by it</said>. Then they promised to abide by his counsel. <said>Sirs</said>, then said Merlin, <said>Uther Pendragon died after Martinmass, and it is now near Christmas corresponding to the day on which Christ the only son of God came to the world, born of our lady Mary the virgin, of the great love of the people, who is Lord of Lords and King of Kings, to whom the weak and strong pay obedience, from whom none that oppose him can flee, who looketh not at the outward forms of men, but judgeth them by their hearts ; now therefore gather ye all together and cleanse yourselves by that appointed time amid come together to the church, and pray to God in all innocence that lie may make clear who is worthy to reign over you, and if you trimly trust in Him, your desire will be granted. For he said entreat, take, seek and ye shall find.</said></p>
<p n="7">Amid when Merlin had made this speech he asked the consent of the nobles to go to his own country. And thereupon they thanked him much for his advice and beseeched him to stay with them over the Christmas, but he tarried not and did not promise to return for that occasion because of an appointment that he had with the bishop Blasius, his confessor and the scribe of all his prophecies. And so Merlin went to his own country.</p>
<p n="8">And on Christmas Eve the whole nation came together, the weak and strong, rich and poor, and thither also Kynyr Varvoc and Kai his son came, and Arthur knew not but that Kynyr was his father, and he honoured him in the way that a son should honour his father. And when the first cock crew they all did arise arid go into the church, and the Archbishop began the service and requested everybody to pray to God as Merlin had advised.</p>
<p n="9">And after matins the Archbishop enrobed for the first mass, and said to the people: <said>Sirs</said>, said he, <said>three things are needful for us, salvation for our souls, success for our bodies, and a king to reign over us, and there is no way of obtaining any one of these by our own power, therefore pray to him in whose name everything is done and without whom nothing can be done, and if he hearkeneth not let everyone repeat five times the prayer which Christ taught his disciples.</said></p>
<p n="10">And when these words had been said mass was sung until after the gospel and then the dawn broke and those who had said mass first went outside the church to a level plot within the gates of the monastery: and they beheld in the midst of this plot a great four square stone of colour like unto marble, and in the stone there stuck a sword pointwise as firmly as if it grew out of the stone.</p>
<pb n="261" />
<p n="11">And about the sword verses were written in golden letters, as follows:<lb />
<graphic url="https://codecs.vanhamel.nl/wikis/codecs/images/thumb/5/5f/Img-1645268926-Welsh-birth-Arthur.png/320px-Img-1645268926-Welsh-birth-Arthur.png"/>
<lb /><s>The meaning of the verses is this: This sword is a sign to point out a worthy king in the sight of God. None shall pull this sword out except one by the aid of God.</s></p>
<p n="12">And when they had read this writing they sent messengers into the church to tell the Archbishop of this event. Thereupon the Archbishop thought that God had sent that sign and forthwith he wont towards the place where the stone was, and the common people with him, and he sprinkled holy water over it, and they worshipped God, and ordered five of the best clerks and five of the laymen to take charge of the stone until mass was finished, and they returned to the church singing praises to God.</p>
<p n="13">And when mass was over they returned to the place where the stone was, and quarrelled amongst one another who first should pull the sword or who had the first right to attempt to pull the sword from the stone. Some demanded this because of their power, others on account of their comeliness and strength, others because of the numbers of their kinsmen.</p>
<p n="14">Thereupon Dyfrig, seeing their envy, said to the people, <said>O, my friends, we should rejoice together before God to-day for he, out of his infinite mercy from his high throne in heaven has hearkened to our prayer. Therefore do I beseech and command you with all the power God has given me, that none draw nigh to this holy sign to dishonour it. Let us pray God that he show us who shall be king to reign over us, and doubtless we could not, did we wish, prevent God from carrying out his will, let us therefore wait patiently for him whom God hath chosen for he cannot be deceived by gifts nor menaced by threats: he asks of man naught but his heart, for the service of man made he the world and all that is in it, and man was made to serve him</said>.</p>
<p n="15">Then went they into the church for evening mass, and when the mass was done, they returned to the place where the stone lay, and Dyfrig said to the nobles of the kingdom, <said>Sirs, greatly ought ye to pay thanks to Christ in that he hath shown ye a sign like unto that which he shewed the disciples when he was going to his passion, and he said to them, <said>he that hath no sword let him sell his garment and buy one. <pb n="262" />One of the disciples said unto him, here are two swords. It is enough, said Christ</said>. By the one sword is understood spiritual possession in the hands of the prelates of the church who should warn the people that they have sinned, and release them when repentant of their sins. By the other sword is to be understood the power of the lords of the earth who should succour the weak, punish the cruel, and maintain justice with the sword which God hath shown unto you this day</said>.</p>
<p n="16">And when he had said these words Dyfric chose fifty men and two hundred of the chief men of the kingdom and commanded them from the oldest to the (next) oldest to try and pull the sword from the stone, and none of them could withdraw it. And then Dyfric commanded all of them one after the other to withdraw the sword if they could, and there was none at that time that could do so. Then did Dyfric command the ten men to take charge of the stone until <gap>.......</gap>,<note n="1" place="bottom">This note is left unfinished in the MS., probably the scribe could not read the original.</note> and commanded everyone to come to that place on that day. And when they had come together at that time they told the Archbishop that they would not leave the city or its neighbourhood until they knew who should be king over them.</p>
<p n="17">And when they had heard the mass and everybody was in good spirits they went to joust and tourney,<note n="2" place="bottom">Literally, <interp>to play staff and shield, and to break spears</interp>.</note> and the people of the city went to watch the play even the ten men who had charge of the stone. Kai, the son of Kynyr, who had been knighted on the previous Allhallowmass had come there to win his spurs. And behold at the end of the play tumult and commotion arose amongst them and they smote each other lustily, and thereupon Kai broke his sword near the crosspiece and he sent Arthur to his lodging to fetch another sword. Amd when Arthur came near unto the lodging he could find no way to enter because of the people who were watching the play.</p>
<p n="18">And sad at heart he returned as far as the gate of the monastery, and there he spied the sword and the stone with nobody in charge, and he reflected that he had not attempted to withdraw the sword, and should he be able to draw the sword he would give it to his brother Kai instead of the one which he had broken in the play. And he dismounted and took hold of the handle of the sword and pulled it out without difficulty, and hid it under his armour and brought it to Kai.</p>
<p n="19">And when Kai saw the sword he recognized it and shewed it to his father, and said, <said>I am the king! I am the king! I have pulled the sword from the stone!</said> But when Kynyr saw this he <pb n="262" /> disbelieved Kai and the three of them went to the place where the stone was, and Kynyr asked Kai how he obtained the sword Then he thought it wicked to anger his father, and said that Arthur had given him the sword. Thereupon Kynyr questioned Arthur and he told him the truth how he had withdrawn the sword. <said>Put the sword in the place thou hadst it</said>, said Kynyr. And this Arthur did without difficulty. Then Kynyr asked Kai to withdraw the sword and he could not. <said>Withdraw the sword</said>, said Kynyr to Arthur, and Arthur did it immediately and then placed it back in the stone. And the three went into the church.</p>
<p n="20">And Kynyr took Arthur between his hands, and said to him in this wise, <said>O thou my beloved son what honour wouldst thou grant to me were I to make thee king of this Kingdom.</said> <said>Sire father</said>, said Arthur, <said>what of wealth God giveth to me in this world, I will not share with thee but give it all into thy keeping.</said> <said>Then</said>, said Kynyr, <said>thy foster father am I, and thou takest me to be thy natural father. Yet know I not the father who sought thee nor the mother who bore thee into the world.</said> Then Arthur wept and said, <said>O Lord God what wanted I in this world and I am without hope as one coming alone from the earth, why return not I now to the earth again</said>. Then said Kynyr to Arthur, <said>I caused thee to be baptized and called Arthur, and nurtured thee, and if God gives thee honour thou oughtest to share it with me and remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom</said>.</p>
<p n="21"><said>Take me as thy son</said>, said Arthur, <said>and I will do what thou askest.</said> <said>I request thee</said>, said Kynyr, <said>to make Kai my son seneschal of thy kingdom and that he lose not his office on account of anything that he shall say or do. For should he be ill-bred it is not his fault but thine, for thou wast suckled by his mother, and he, because of thee, was suckled by a mean alien woman.</said> And Arthur promised Kynyr all this, and then Kynyr told the Archbishop, <said>I have a son who is not yet knighted, who begs that he he allowed to try to withdraw the sword.</said></p>
<p n="22">Then the Archbishop commanded everybody to come to the place where the stone was, and when they had all come together Kynyr asked Arthur to place the sword in Dyfric’s hand, and this he did without trouble. Then Dyfric took Arthur by the hand and led him towards the Church, singing praises to God. Thereupon the earls and barons were angered, amid they said amongst one another, <said>this man cometh of lowly blood, whereas we are of the blood of Uther Pendragon, how, therefore, can we suffer this man to reign over us</said>. Kynyr was standing with Arthur and the common people, and opposite him were all the earls and barons. Now, when Dyfric perceived their envy, he said to them, <said>were we all opposed to the elect of God, that which God wills must needs be</said>.</p>
<p n="23">Then Arthur placed the sword in the stone again, and Dyfric ordered everybody to pull it out if they could, but none could. Then did they delay until Candlemas, and on that day did they all try to withdraw the sword, and none could do so. Then Dyfric commanded Arthur to bring the sword to him, and this Arthur did. Then did the mighty men of the kingdom ask that the matter might be delayed until Easter to see if it were possible to find a person of higher rank than Arthur. And on the eve of Easter, when they had come together, Dyfric asked them if they wished Arthur to be their king. Then straightway everybody said, let him be king over us, a deliverer and a protector.</p>
<p n="24">And the next morning the earls and the barons drew nigh unto Arthur and said unto him in this wise. <said>Sir as thou wilt be king over us, accept our homage, give us land, and at Whitsuntide we will crown thee. Give us a reply of thine own on this</said>. <said>That will I</said>, said Arthur, <said>I will neither accept homage, nor give land, nor take land from anyone until I am crowned, and joyfully will I wait for the crown, for I never thought of receiving any honour, except such as God should give me</said>. And when they could not deceive him in that way they sent many presents to him to see if he were greedy of riches and inclined to be miserly. But Arthur understood that, and he accustomed himself amongst them until Whitsuntide, so that some feared him and others loved him above all in the kingdom.</p>
<p n="25">And on Whit Saturday he was knighted and many others were knighted in his honour. And the next morning a royal robe was placed upon him, and he was brought to the place where lay the stone and sword. Then Dyfric said to him, <said>Sir, here are the laws that thou must keep, valiantly must thou maintain the Catholic Faith, the church of God, and the weak and the poor, honour God and the saints as much as thou art able, hearken to thy counsellors patiently, make good laws, punish the wicked. And if thou promisest to do these things, take the sword that God hath sent thee as a token of love of thee and strength to us</said>. Then Arthur fell on his knees and raised his hands and said, God give me grace to direct my thoughts and deeds to his praise, and for the good of my own soul, and strength to govern you. Then he took the sword in his hand and went into the church and sat in the royal chair, and the Archbishop placed the crown on his head, and the sceptre in his hand.</p>
<p n="26">And when mass was over they went out to seek the stone, and the stone was never seen from that time onwards, and then they feasted. And hence Arthur went to do battle and to govern the kingdom as is set forth in the history of the Britons. And Arthur kept the sword while he lived, and it was called <objectName>Kaletvwlch</objectName>. So endeth this story.</p>
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