Bec innocht lúth mo dá lúa
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Meyer, Kuno, “Cáilte cecinit”, Ériu 1 (1904): 72–73.
<TEI xmlns="">
<teiHeader date.created="" date.updated="">
<title>Bec innocht lúth mo dá lúa</title>
<cecinit><persName>Cáilte</persName> cecinit.</cecinit>
<lg xml:id="ga1" n="1">
<l n="1">Bec innocht lúth mo dá lúa,<gloss n="1">.i. mo dá choiss</gloss></l>
<l n="2">ro fetar mo chorp is cúa:</l>
<l n="3">ro po maith rith adám rend<gloss n="2">.i. mo dám choss</gloss></l>
<l n="4">noco tóracht <persName>in Tálcend</persName>.<gloss n="4">.i. Patric</gloss></l>
<lg xml:id="ga2" n="2">
<l n="5">Rop-sa chrib mo dá ulaig,<gloss n="5">.i. mo dá choiss</gloss></l>
<l n="6">adám áed<gloss n="6">.i. adám s<ex>h</ex>úil</gloss> im chalb<gloss n="7">.i. im chind</gloss> culaig,<gloss n="8">.i. cométsat</gloss></l>
<l n="7">adám braicc<gloss n="9">.i. adám lám</gloss> conbíatais baidb,</l>
<l n="8">nirpsat [m'] airm[-si] can ulaig.<note n="73.4" place="end">This line is one syllable short in the original. I have tried to restore the metre.</note></l>
<lg xml:id="ga3" n="3">
<l n="9">Ra luidin[n]-se de marcaib,</l>
<l n="10">ar argg<gloss n="10">.i. láech</gloss> níad<gloss n="11">.i. trénfher</gloss> ropsam fortail,</l>
<l n="11">doberind culu<gloss n="12">.i. comét</gloss> ar gart<gloss n="13">.i. ar einech</gloss> <persName>Find</persName>,<gloss n="14">.i. proprium</gloss></l>
<l n="12">ropsam grind grind ri harcaib.<gloss n="15">.i. ri harccib</gloss></l>
<lg xml:id="ga4" n="4">
<l n="13">Missi <persName>Ossín mac Find</persName>,</l>
<l n="14">ropsat comchuibde ar ceta,</l>
<l n="15">ar ngníma ropsat mára,</l>
<l n="16">ar mbága rapsat beca. <trailer>b</trailer>.</l>
<div type="translation" subtype="" xml:lang="en">
<lg xml:id="en1" n="1">
<l n="1">Small tonight the vigour of my heels,<note n="1" place="end">Literally ‘of my two heels’; but to translate so would be as wrong as to render the Welsh <foreign xml:lang="cy">dwylaw</foreign> by ‘two hands.’</note></l>
<l n="2">I know that my body is flesh:<note n="2" place="end">cua .i. seóil, O'Clery.</note></l>
<l n="3">Good was the running of my feet,</l>
<l n="4">Until the Adze-head<note n="3" place="end">i.e. St. Patrick.</note> came.</l>
<lg xml:id="en2" n="2">
<l n="5">Swift I was on my feet,</l>
<l n="6">In my head my eyes kept ward,</l>
<l n="7">My arms were wont to feed the carrion crow,</l>
<l n="8">My weapons were not without a shout of triumph.<note n="4" place="end">This line is one syllable short in the original. I have tried to restore the metre.</note></l>
<lg xml:id="en3" n="3">
<l n="9">I used to ride<note n="5" place="end">A present <foreign xml:lang="ga">luidim</foreign>, ‘I go’, developed from <foreign xml:lang="ga">lod</foreign>, ‘I went’, als occurs in Aislinge Meic Conglinne, p. 89, 4 (<foreign xml:lang="ga">7 conluidim secha</foreign>); and the sing. imperative (<foreign xml:lang="ga">luid dó</foreign>, ‘go to!’) is found ib., p. 53, 13. A future <foreign xml:lang="ga">lodfamar</foreign> is in LL. 109b 1.</note> on steeds,</l>
<l n="10">Over any champion I prevailed,<note n="6" place="end"><foreign xml:lang="ga">fartail</foreign> instead of <foreign xml:lang="ga">fortail</foreign>, for the sake of assonance with <foreign xml:lang="ga">marcaib</foreign> and <foreign xml:lang="ga">harcaib</foreign>.</note></l>
<l n="11">I used to guard the honour of Finn,</l>
<l n="12">Fierce, fierce I was in straits.</l>
<lg xml:id="en4" n="4">
<l n="13">I and Oisin the son of Finn,</l>
<l n="14">Our blows were dealt in unison,</l>
<l n="15">Our deeds were great,</l>
<l n="16">Our boasts were small.</l>
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