
The bachelor programme Celtic Languages and Culture at Utrecht University is under threat.


b. 1942–d. 2002

41 publications between 1985 and 2004 indexed
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Works authored

Buisman, Frans, Andrew Wright, and Roderick D. Cannon [eds.], The MacArthur-MacGregor manuscript of piobaireachd (1820), The Music of Scotland, 1, Glasgow and Aberdeen, 2001.  
The MacArthur-MacGregor Manuscript of Piobaireachd contains thirty compositions for the Highland bagpipes for use on ceremonial occasions, compiled by the pipers Angus MacArthur of Trotternish in Skye and John MacGregor of Fortingall in Perthshire, and overseen by Andrew Robertson of the Highland Society of London. This Piobaireachd Society manuscript [deposited in the National Library of Scotland] is published here for the first time in a volume comprising extensive background material, critical and performing editions of the music, and a facsimile of the original music pages.
The MacArthur-MacGregor Manuscript of Piobaireachd contains thirty compositions for the Highland bagpipes for use on ceremonial occasions, compiled by the pipers Angus MacArthur of Trotternish in Skye and John MacGregor of Fortingall in Perthshire, and overseen by Andrew Robertson of the Highland Society of London. This Piobaireachd Society manuscript [deposited in the National Library of Scotland] is published here for the first time in a volume comprising extensive background material, critical and performing editions of the music, and a facsimile of the original music pages.

Contributions to journals

Buisman, Frans, “A parallel between Scottish pibroch and early Welsh harp music / Cyffelybiaeth rhwng cerddoriaeth pibroch Albanaidd a cherddoriaeth gynnar Gymreig i’r delyn”, Hanes Cerddoriaeth Cymru / Welsh Music History 6 (Tachwedd/November, 2004): 1–23, 24–46.
Buisman, Frans, “MacArthur MS”, Piping Times 53:7 (2001): 49.
Buisman, Frans, “Letters: Double Echoes”, Piping Times 52:6 (2000): 39–41.
Buisman, Frans, “Canntaireachd. Colin Campbell’s verbal notation - An outline [2]”, Piping Times 50:4 (1998): 28–33.
Buisman, Frans, “Comparisons: Donald MacDonald’s Crathaidhnean”, Piping Times 50:9 (1998): 21–26.
Buisman, Frans, “Piobaireachd: The earliest editions of Donald MacDonald’s collection [2]”, Piping Times 50:2 (1997): 32–34.
Buisman, Frans, “Canntaireachd. Colin Campbell’s verbal notation - An outline [1]”, Piping Times 50:3 (1997): 24–30.
Buisman, Frans, “Piobaireachd: The earliest editions of Donald MacDonald’s collection [1]”, Piping Times 50:1 (1997): 51–53.
Buisman, Frans, “Melodic relationships in pibroch”, British Journal of Ethnomusicology 4 (1995): 17–39.
Buisman, Frans, “MS. SRO 112/1/803. More evidence on the development of Campbell notation [1]”, Piping Times 47:11 (1995): 21–28.
Buisman, Frans, “MS. SRO 112/1/803. More evidence on the development of Campbell notation [2]”, Piping Times 47:12 (1995): 26–34.
Buisman, Frans, “Pibroch composing. Convention and invention”, Piping Times 46:7 (1994): 41–50.
Buisman, Frans, “Re correspondence to my article ‘Dungallon’s Lament/Salute’”, Piping Times 46:5 (1994): 51.
Buisman, Frans, “Dungallon’s Lament/Salute. Playing styles and exchange of tunes in ceòl mór [2]”, Piping Times 45:7 (1993): 28–34.
Buisman, Frans, “Dungallon’s Lament/Salute. Playing styles and exchange of tunes in ceòl mór [1]”, Piping Times 45:6 (1993): 25–29.
Buisman, Frans, “Piobaireachd: Joseph MacDonald’s introductory runs [2]”, Piping Times 44:9 (1992): 41–45.
Buisman, Frans, “System of modes in ceòl mór”, Piobaireachd Society Proceedings 19 — Royal Hotel, Bridge of Allan (1992): 41–45.
Buisman, Frans, “Piobaireachd: Joseph MacDonald’s introductory runs [1]”, Piping Times 43:9 (1991): 26–38.
Buisman, Frans, “The early history of Leumludh Movement [2]”, Piping Times 44:5 (1991): 27–38.  

The first part of this article was published in a separate issue of Piping Times.

The first part of this article was published in a separate issue of Piping Times.

Buisman, Frans, “The early history of Leumludh Movement [1]”, Piping Times 43:10 (1990): 36–50.
Buisman, Frans, “Piobaireachd: ‘Paidh Na Bodaich Nail’ Ach Ruairidh’”, Piping Times 43:4 (1990): 21–27.
Buisman, Frans, “A note on the MacKenzie manuscripts”, Piping Times 43:5 (1990): 47–53.
Buisman, Frans, “The ‘CH’ in canntaireachd”, Piping Times 43:3 (1989): 34–37.
Buisman, Frans, “The reflexive shake. An ancient piobaireachd ornament [4]”, Piping Times 41:12 (1988): 22–27.
Buisman, Frans, “A note on the lament for Duncan MacRae of Kintail”, Piping Times 41:6 (1988): 52–53.
Buisman, Frans, “The author of ‘The Bagpipe Preceptor’”, Piping Times 41:6 (1988): 56–57.
Buisman, Frans, “The reflexive shake. An ancient piobaireachd ornament [1]”, Piping Times 41:8 (1988): 21–31.
Buisman, Frans, “The reflexive shake. An ancient piobaireachd ornament [3]”, Piping Times 41:11 (1988): 38–42.
Buisman, Frans, “The reflexive shake. An ancient piobaireachd ornament [2]”, Piping Times 41:9 (1988): 47–31.
Buisman, Frans, “A stock tune in older piobaireachd teaching: A device of practising”, Piping Times 40:7 (1988): 44–49.
Buisman, Frans, “From chant to script. Evidences of chronology in Colin Campbell’s canntaireachd”, Piping Times 39:7 (1987): 44–49.
Buisman, Frans, “Piobaireachd: P.S. Gleanings from pre-MacKay ‘Port Luinneagach’”, Piping Times 39:8 (1987): 35.
Buisman, Frans, “Re Archie Kenneth’s contribution on ‘Findlay’s Lament’”, Piping Times 39:8 (1987): 48.
Buisman, Frans, “Port A’Mheadair and Robert Sinclair’s Wife’s Lament [1]”, Piping Times 40:2 (1987): 36–43.  

Part 2 of this article appeared in a later issue of Piping Times.

Part 2 of this article appeared in a later issue of Piping Times.

Buisman, Frans, “Gleanings from pre-MacKay piobaireachd: Clialudh [2]”, Piping Times 39:4 (1987): 33–39.
Buisman, Frans, “Port A’Mheadair and Robert Sinclair’s Wife’s Lament [2]”, Piping Times 40:3 (1987): 42–49.
Buisman, Frans, “Gleanings from pre-MacKay piobaireachd: Clialudh [3]”, Piping Times 39:5 (1987): 36–41.
Buisman, Frans, “An anonymous manuscript. Its position in the history of piobaireachd playing [2]”, Piping Times 38:4 (1986): 30–34.
Buisman, Frans, “Gleanings from pre-MacKay piobaireachd: Clialudh [1]”, Piping Times 39:3 (1986): 34–38.  

Parts 2 and 3 of this article appeared in later issues of Piping Times.

Parts 2 and 3 of this article appeared in later issues of Piping Times.

Buisman, Frans, “An anonymous manuscript. Its position in the history of piobaireachd playing [1]”, Piping Times 38:3 (1985): 23–27.
b. Enkhuizen (The Netherlands), 1 December 1942 – d. Austria, 15 September 2002.
The present list is based on a preliminary list of publications compiled by Toorians (Lauran), with help from Paul Filling, Archive Officer for The College of Piping. Please be aware that it may not be exhaustive.

About the author

Anderson, Dougie, “Obituaries: Frans Buisman 1942-2002”, Piping Times 55:2 (2003): 43–44..
Cannon, Roderick, “Tribute — Frans Buisman”, Piping Times 55:6 (2003): 49–51..
Anderson, Dougie, “Frans Buisman, piping and Gaelic music scholar”, The Scotsman (22 October, 2002).. – Online version: <link>
Anderson, Dougie, “Frans Buisman”, Herald Scotland (23 October, 2002).. <link>
Heyn, Roswitha, “In memoriam Frans Buisman”, UBA Informatie. Mededelingenblad voor medewerkers van de Bibliotheek van de UvA 10:4 (December, 2002): 27..
Toorians, Lauran, “The Flowers of the Forest. In memoriam Frans Buisman”, Kelten: Mededelingen van de Stichting A. G. van Hamel voor Keltische Studies 16 (November, 2002): 10..
Anonymous, “Frans Buisman. Dutch scholar who immersed himself in the music of the Highland bagpipe”, The Times (16 October, 2002)..
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