
The bachelor programme Celtic Languages and Culture at Utrecht University is under threat.


s. xx–xxi

6 publications between 2009 and 2017 indexed
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Works authored

Augusteijn, Joost, Patrick Pearse: The making of a revolutionary, Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.

Contributions to journals

Joost Augusteijn, “The lives of Daniel Binchy”, in: Kelten: Mededelingen van de Stichting A. G. van Hamel voor Keltische Studies 73 (2017): 10.
Augusteijn, Joost, “Patrick Pearse: proto-fascist eccentric mainstream European thinker?”, History Ireland 18:6 (2010): 34–37.

Contributions to edited collections or authored works

Augusteijn, Joost, “The origins of Irish nationalism in a European context”, in: B. Hefferman (ed.), Life on the fringe? Ireland and Europe, 1800–1922, Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 2012. 15–39.
Augusteijn, Joost, “Patrick Pearse and Ireland's position in the empire”, in: Robert J. Blyth, and Keith Jeffery [eds.], The British empire and its contested pasts, 26, Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 2009. 235–252.
Augusteijn, Joost, “The road to rebellion: the development of Patrick Pearse's political thought, 1879-1914”, in: R. Higgins, and R. Uí Chollatáin (eds), The life end after-life of P. H. Pearse. Pádraic Mac Piarais: saol agus oidhreacht, Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 2009. 3–18.