
The bachelor programme Celtic Languages and Culture at Utrecht University is under threat.


s. xx–xxi

8 publications between 2007 and 2016 indexed
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Works authored

Archan, Christophe, Les chemins du jugement: procédure et science du droit dans l’Irlande médiévale, Romanité et modernité du droit, Paris: De Boccard, 2007.

Contributions to journals

Archan, Christophe, “The five paths to a judge: an interpretation of Cóic conara fugill (Five paths to judgement)”, Clio@Themis 10 (2016). URL: <>. 
This interpretation offers an analysis based on the Small Primer (Uraicecht Becc), a text which may come from the same school as Cóic Conara Fugill. A passage from that tract about social ranks notably presents a hierarchy of three judges, who seem to correspond to the first three procedures of the Five Paths of Judgement. The choice of the right procedure would then actually be the choice of the right judge. A first block of three paths would then be distinguished, to which a second block of two paths would then be added.
This interpretation offers an analysis based on the Small Primer (Uraicecht Becc), a text which may come from the same school as Cóic Conara Fugill. A passage from that tract about social ranks notably presents a hierarchy of three judges, who seem to correspond to the first three procedures of the Five Paths of Judgement. The choice of the right procedure would then actually be the choice of the right judge. A first block of three paths would then be distinguished, to which a second block of two paths would then be added.
Archan, Christophe, “La résolution des conflits de normes enseignée dans les écoles de l’Irlande mediévale”, Savoirs en Prisme 3 (2014). URL: <>.
Archan, Christophe, “Ordeal by fire in medieval Ireland”, Peritia 24–25 (2013–2014): 197–212.  
The medieval Cormac’s adventure in the Land of Promise contains a list of ‘The twelve truths of the kingdom’, twelve ordeals that include the cauldron and Morann’s three collars. The paper discusses the ‘cauldron of truth’ in early Irish law and then proposes that Morann’s third collar can be regarded as an ordeal by fire.
The medieval Cormac’s adventure in the Land of Promise contains a list of ‘The twelve truths of the kingdom’, twelve ordeals that include the cauldron and Morann’s three collars. The paper discusses the ‘cauldron of truth’ in early Irish law and then proposes that Morann’s third collar can be regarded as an ordeal by fire.
Archan, Christophe, “Les règles de droit dans la prose du Dindshenchas de Rennes”, Droit et Cultures 64:2 (2013–): 91–113. URL: <>. 
Online since 08 January 2013.
Online since 08 January 2013.
Archan, Christophe, “L’enseignement du droit dans l’Irlande médiévale”, Droit et CulturesHors série-2010 (2010): 47–71.

Contributions to edited collections or authored works

Archan, Christophe, “Uraicecht becc et les triades du droit: les juges et leurs sources dans l’Irlande médiévale”, in: Guillaume Oudaer, Gaël Hily, and Hervé Le Bihan (eds), Mélanges en l’honneur de Pierre-Yves Lambert, Rennes: TIR, 2015. 359–375.
Archan, Christophe, “Amairgin et ses héritiers. Les poètes-juges de l’ancienne Irlande”, in: Andréas Helmis, Nathalie Kalnoky, and Soazick Kerneis [eds.], Vertiges du droit. Mélanges franco-helléniques à la mémoire de Jacques Phytilis, Paris: L'Harmattan, 2011. 63–82.