

  • (places)
  • archaeological sites

Early fortified site built on a craggy hill-top in Argyll, Scotland, which served as a royal center of the kingdom of Dál Riata.


Secondary sources (select)

Lane, Alan, and Ewan Campbell, Dunadd: an early Dalriadic capital, Cardiff Studies in Archaeology, 4, Oxford: Oxbow, 2001.  
The kingdom of Dal Riata emerged in Argyll in the early centuries AD, after the Romans had abandoned Scotland. While this volume is at heart a detailed excavation report, the wider contextual discussions should be of interest to anybody interested in the early, unwritten history of Scotland.
The following does not refer to the present page, but to the data record for the currently selected query subject. It is not yet accessible on its own.
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
June 2021, last updated: May 2022

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