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Prominent member of the Túatha Dé Danann in Irish literature, a king and warrior whose all-round mastery of many skills and disciplines earns him the epithet Samildánach. Through his mother, he is descended from the Fomoire and his maternal uncle Balor is the one-eyed leader of the Fomoire whom he kills in the battle of Mag Tuired.

Lug Lámfada See: Lug

Lug Samildánach See: Lug

A warrior associated with Lugaid Mac Con, son of Mog Nuadat, progenitor of the Éoganacht.

Lugaid Lágae See: Lugaid Lága

Lugaid Laígde See: Lugaid Loígde

Lugaid Laigse mac Loigsig Chendmáir See: Lugaid Laígsech Cendmár

Lugaid Laígsech Cendmár See: Lugaid Laígsech Cendmár

son of Eochu Uairches in LGÉ
in Mesca Ulad, a king of Dál nAraide

Lugaid Lámderg mac Óengusa Tírich See: Lugaid Mend mac Óengusa Tírich

Lugaid Lóechsech See: Lugaid Laígsech Cendmár

Ancestor figure for the Érainn and Corco Loígde, son of Dáire (Doimtech). In versions of a sovereignty tale, he appears as one of five sons all named Lugaid because of a prophecy that one named Lugaid will take the kingship of Ireland. When the brothers are tested, each of them earns an epithet but it is Lugaid Loígde (‘of the Fawn’) who wins the favour of the sovereignty lady and gains the kingship.

Lugaid Loígse See: Lugaid Laígsech Cendmár

Lugaid Loígsech See: Lugaid Laígsech Cendmár

Lugaid Luaigne See: Lugaid Luaigne

Often simply Mac Con, a legendary high-king of Ireland from a people based in Munster; said to have defeated Éogan Mór and Art mac Cuinn in the battle of Mucrama after a return from exile following the battle of Cenn Abrat.
Warrior in the Ulster Cycle, son of Cú Roí. In the tale Brislech Mór Maige Muirthemne, he is identified as the one who slew Cú Chulainn after wounding him with a spear.

Lugaid mac Dáire See: Lugaid Loígde

son of Lóegaire mac Néill