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See also: Lugaid Loígde
Lugaid Loígde
Ancestor figure for the Érainn and Corco Loígde, son of Dáire (Doimtech). In versions of a sovereignty tale, he appears as one of five sons all named Lugaid because of a prophecy that one named Lugaid will take the kingship of Ireland. When the brothers are tested, each of them earns an epithet but it is Lugaid Loígde (‘of the Fawn’) who wins the favour of the sovereignty lady and gains the kingship.

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Secondary sources (select)

OʼRahilly, T. F., “On the origin of the names Érainn and Ériu”, Ériu 14 (1946): 7–28.
Pokorny, Julius, “Beiträge zur ältesten Geschichte Irlands: 3. Érainn, Dári(n)ne und die Iverni und Darini des Ptolomäus”, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 12 (1918): 323–357.
Internet Archive: <link>
MacNeill, John, “Early Irish population groups: their nomenclature, classification and chronology”, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 29 C (April 1911, 1911–1912): 59–114.
CELT: <link> Internet Archive: <link>
esp. 60–61, 64, 90, 96–98
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Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
October 2016, last updated: February 2022