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Enright (Michael J.), Prophecy and kingship in Adomnán's 'Life of Saint Columba' (2013)

Sharpe (Richard), Roderick O’Flaherty’s letters 1696–1709 (2013)

Saltair saíochta, sanasaíochta agus seanchais, ed. Ó Muraíle (Nollaig) • Ó hAodha (Donncha) • Ó Baoill (Dónall) (2013)

Foley (Áine), The royal manors of medieval Co. Dublin: Crown and community (2013)

Sharpe (Richard) • Easting (Robert), Peter of Cornwall’s Book of Revelations (2013)

Edwards (Nancy), A corpus of early medieval inscribed stones and stone sculpture in Wales: North Wales, vol. 3 (2013)

Koch (John T.), Cunedda, Cynan, Cadwallon, Cynddylan: four Welsh poems and Britain 383–655 (2013)

Ó Corráin (Ailbhe), The Pearl of the Kingdom: a study of ‘A fhir léghtha an leabhráin bhig’ by Giolla Brighde Ó hEódhasa (2013)

Music and the stars: mathematics in medieval Ireland, ed. Doherty (Charles) • Kelly (Mary) (2013)

On religion and memory, ed. Otten (Willemien) • Hellemans (Babette) • Pranger (Burcht) (2013)

Mélanges offerts au professeur Bernard Merdrignac, ed. Lambert (Pierre-Yves) • Cassard (Jean-Christophe) • Yeurc'h (Bertrand) (2013)

Fontijn (David) • Jansen (Richard) • Vaart-Verschoof (Sasja van der), Transformation through destruction. A monumental and extraordinary Early Iron Age Hallstatt C barrow from the ritual landscape of Oss-Zevenbergen (2013)

Continental Celtic word formation: the onomastic data, ed. García Alonso (Juan Luis) (2013)

Oosthuizen (Susan), Tradition and transformation in Anglo-Saxon England: archaeology, common rights and landscape (2013)

Koster (Annelies), The cemetery of Noviomagus and the wealthy burials of the municipal elite (2013)

Medieval Dublin XIII: proceedings of the Friends of Medieval Dublin Symposium, 2011, ed. Duffy (Seán) (2013)

La formule au Moyen Âge, ed. Louviot (Élise) (2013)

The land beneath the sea: essays in honour of Anders Ahlqvist’s contribution to Celtic studies in Australia, ed. O'Neill (Pamela) (2013)

Celts and their cultures at home and abroad: a Festschrift for Malcolm Broun, ed. Ahlqvist (Anders) • O'Neill (Pamela) (2013)

Monastic Wales: new approaches, ed. Burton (Janet) • Stöber (Karen) (2013)

Gryson (Roger), Incerti auctoris Glossa in Apocalypsin: e codice Bibliothecae Universitatis Cantabrigiensis Dd. X. 16 (2013)

Théonymie celtique, cultes, interpretatio = Keltische Theonymie, Kulte, interpretatio: X. workshop F.E.R.C.AN., Paris 24.–26.Mai 2010, ed. De Bernardo Stempel (Patrizia) • Hofeneder (Andreas) (2013)

Keltische Götternamen als individuelle Option? = Celtic theonyms as an individual option?: Akten des 11. Internationalen Workshops ‘Fontes Epigraphici Religionum Celticarum Antiquarum’ vom 19.–21. Mai 2011 an der Universität Erfurt, ed. Spickermann (Wolfgang) (2013)

Egeler (Matthias), Celtic influences in Germanic religion: a survey (2013)

Sport und Spiel bei den Germanen: Nordeuropa von der römischen Kaiserzeit bis zum Mittelalter, ed. Teichert (Matthias) (2013)

Medieval Irish law: text and context, ed. Ahlqvist (Anders) • O'Neill (Pamela) (2013)

Breatnach (Pádraig A.), The Four Masters and their manuscripts: studies in palaeography and text (2013)

Charles-Edwards (T. M.), Wales and the Britons, 350–1064 (2013)

Multi nominis grammaticus: studies in classical and Indo-European linguistics in honor of Alan J. Nussbaum on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday, ed. Cooper (Adam I.) • Rau (Jeremy) • Weiss (Michael) (2013)

Archaeological contributions to materials and immateriality, ed. Creemers (Guido) (2013)