
Young (Simon)

  • s. xx–xxi
  • (agents)
Young, Simon, “Fairy impostors in County Longford in the Great Famine”, Studia Hibernica 38 (2012): 181–200.
Young, Simon, “Note: In gentibus dispersisti nos: the British diaspora in Patrick and Gildas”, Peritia 17–18 (2003–2004): 505–506.
Young, Simon, “Note: A Briton in twelfth-century Santiago de Compostela”, Peritia 17–18 (2003–2004): 507–508.
Young, Simon, “The bishops of the early medieval Spanish diocese of Britonia”, Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 45 (Summer, 2003): 1–20.
Young, Simon, “Note: St Patrick and Clovis”, Peritia 16 (2002): 478–479.
Young, Simon, “On the Irish peregrini in Italy”, Peritia 16 (2002): 250–255.
Young, Simon, “Note: Iberian addenda to Fleuriot’s Toponymes”, Peritia 16 (2002): 479–482.
Young, Simon, “Note on Britones in thirteenth-century Galicia”, Studia Celtica 35 (2001): 361–362.
Young, Simon, “Note: St Brigit in a medieval Welsh poem”, Peritia 15 (2001): 279.
Young, Simon, “A note on St Patrick’s Confessio: Gloria patris est”, Studia Celtica 35 (2001): 360.
Young, Simon, “Donatus, bishop of Fiesole 829–76, and the cult of St Brigit in Italy”, Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 35 (Summer, 1998): 13–26.
Coe, John B., and Simon Young, The Celtic sources for the Arthurian legend, Felinfach: Llanerch Press, 1995.


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